- Mar 13, 2007
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the forum engine won't let me in the front door to post a reply so here goes though the back door( ie comments)Quite so,m'lud. And howabout the barefaced arrogance of the DiC,(Despot-in-Chief).S*d our own rules,we'll go ahead with ratification anyway.
to LB yes I am sure I have seen his interviews on tv and in programs like question time he wants "an independant scotland so it can be a full member of the eu with all the benefits that come with it instead of the piecemeal little bit given out as a british region and with the nationalisation of all the gas and oil fields off scotland it would make scotland a country well capable of standing on it own feet.a sort of country william wallace and robert the bruce would be proud of.
as for europe well there is two thoughs on this either you are a european that want a united europe with all member states seen as equal with all the benifits that come with this. or a little englander with delusions of grandure that think we still have an empire and influence in the world and can dictate our terms on others.
the truth is we are not either of these just a little island on the fringes of a big continent with no international influence on anything.