Mar 14, 2005
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I have been advised to drive very carefully coming off the M5 going into Exeter town.I was told to make sure i was in the right lane heading for the A30 west.

I will be looking for the A30 heading for Launceston.All advise welcome.
Mar 14, 2005
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Dan, there is no need to go into Exeter, you can get on the A30 westwards, ( or eastwards for that matter),directly from the M5.

Keep on the M5 to Junction 31, which is practically the end of M5 and follow the signs for A30 Oakhampton & west - the LH slip road I think, and then a roundabout where you turn right under the A38 and onto the A30. Its's really easy, I have done it loads of times and no problems at all
Dec 30, 2009
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Dan as Ray said its easy keep on the m5 and you will see signs just past the sevices juction showing a split, in 2 miles A38 for Plymouth and Torquay and A30 Okhampton, keep left and head for A30 Okhampton, Slow down as you go around the corner it goes on for ages.

Mar 5, 2007
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trucker, as others have stated you dont need to go into exeter.simply stay in the slow lane of the m5 as it ends and you will now be on the A30.launceston will not be signposted, the signpost will say okehampton and bodmin launceston is the town between the two 42 miles from exeter.
Mar 14, 2005
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What a way to recall a past experience. Many years ago I was offered a job in Launceston in the Engineer & Surveyor's Dept. of the local council. It was a wet miserable week for the interview and the fog was done to a couple of feet of vision. My wife did not like the area so I turned the job down. A few years later we went there whilst on holiday in Devon and in summer sunshine. We had a h**l of a surprise - it turned out to be a very pretty town with beautiful views over the moors. We were very saddened that we did not accept the job and move down there. Hind sight is a marvellous thing - if only I could turn the clocks back.
Mar 14, 2005
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Colin, Think of that lovely council pension you could have built up by now.

We all wish we could turn the clock back but sadly not possible.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ray - I was working in Local Government in South Wales for five years and then transferred it to the Teacher's Pension for a further 25 years. Therefore on early retirement I had 30 years pension in the kitty so I think I am pretty fortunate for my old age - Government pension and index linked.
Mar 14, 2005
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Colin, well done it was worth it in the end. Anybody who teaches has my admiration. I am also one of the fortunate ones. I toook my pension after 22 years in my final salary scheme and carried on working in the same job. The only problem is paying the government 40% of it.

I think we were the lucky generation where it was possible to pay into final salary schemes that made money in the 80's. My companies final salary scheme has been closed with a far inferior defined contributions scheme. I think in 20 years or so there will be many more people who cannot fund their retirement.

Nov 4, 2004
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Totally agree ray

Its not a rosy picture.

When my generation retire (66 for me)we will carry on working so we can afford to live.I hope my kids arent hoping me to leave anything?
Mar 14, 2005
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Could this pension deficit be as a result of the caring government we have at present. No matter which party is there it appears they are there to milk the gravy train for their own ends and to hell with Joe Public. Oh well digressed from Exeter - the original posting poser. Not to worry as I think Dan has been correctly informed as to his means of getting to Launceston.
Mar 5, 2007
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colin, if it is any concellation the council offices were relocated to wadebridge years back.i consider myself lucky to have spent all my 36 years in launceston,and am quite proud of my little home the 80's, my teenage years i had a saturday job in a shop in the town square.on wet days in the summer launceston would be full of people on holiday wandering around looking for something to do as not beach weather etc.I was frequently asked in accents from far and wide where in the town was marks and spencer, next, topshop which i had to reply they are not!still a couple of years ago argos turned up,to which the townsfolk could delight in the wonders of the free catalogue.As for the town square it is now made up of estate agents and on wet days people wander around in tesco on the plymouth road!
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote dominic ... "As for the town square it is now made up of estate agents and banks".

This is where we have you beat dominic. We not only have banks and estate agents but building societies AND charity shops. The moral of this is to give Launceston a miss and visit sunny Hereford :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Quote dominic ... "As for the town square it is now made up of estate agents and banks".

This is where we have you beat dominic. We not only have banks and estate agents but building societies AND charity shops. The moral of this is to give Launceston a miss and visit sunny Hereford :O)
And get shot on a Sunday morning by a local "squire" - no way
Mar 14, 2005
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colin, if it is any concellation the council offices were relocated to wadebridge years back.i consider myself lucky to have spent all my 36 years in launceston,and am quite proud of my little home the 80's, my teenage years i had a saturday job in a shop in the town square.on wet days in the summer launceston would be full of people on holiday wandering around looking for something to do as not beach weather etc.I was frequently asked in accents from far and wide where in the town was marks and spencer, next, topshop which i had to reply they are not!still a couple of years ago argos turned up,to which the townsfolk could delight in the wonders of the free catalogue.As for the town square it is now made up of estate agents and on wet days people wander around in tesco on the plymouth road!

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Theyr'e pedestrianising the square!!!