• We hope all of you have a great holiday season and an incredible New Year. Thanks so much for being part of the Practical Caravan community!


Nov 6, 2005
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Why does anyone read something entitled "A naughty joke" and then complain they've been offended - what do they expect?

Kevin, we all have different limits on acceptability - don't read such things if you think you might be offended.
Mar 14, 2005
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I read it but wasn't offended - I have a weird sense of humour, but that one wasn't really funny. This isn't exactly a kids' forum, but I agree that the joke doesn't belong here. Just my opinion.
Dec 30, 2009
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RogerL, I read alot of the jokes on here and find most of them funny, "Naughty joke" could have ment alot different than what I read. IE a bit of slap stick. It was my opinion and I stand by that, i just didnt think it was appropiate for this forum thats all

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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Must say, I agree with Kevin. Many are the times that we have been told, children read this forum. I love a naughty joke just as much as anyone, but there's a time and place for everything. If someone wants to include a joke, that is a little risky, take a look a Mikes (of Norfolk origin) joke "Jack Schitt", that's probably as close to the limit that you can get without it being deleted. Nice one, Mike.
Nov 6, 2005
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I didn't find the joke funny, in fact after the first line I didn't read it, but I do find the moderation on this site one sided.

You can't mention things half the population have, you can't mention any supplier who provides service below legally required standards, even when there's evidence that will stand up in a court of law.

I forgot, this is a magazine funded by advertisers whose interests are paramount and completely disregard the needs of consumers who actually pay for everything.

Other forums I use, caravanning and motoring, don't have the same level of one-sided moderation - yes, I know, the answer is obvious..................................
Oct 28, 2005
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It is as you say a forum which is atteched to a magazine and advertisers will not like people who spam on forums pushing their own products without either being up front or one of the paying advertisers. I know in the magazines I advertise in I spend about
Mar 16, 2005
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Some jokes give mods a difficult decision, as often the fact that they are near the line is what makes them so funny.

The benchmark should be: what is acceptable and appropriate in mixed company with children present. This is after all an open forum for caravanners of all ages.

In the past users have likened the forum to a group of people on a caravan park, usually strangers, who gather round for a chat (with the inevitable kids hanging around listening in). That's the sort of tone we should aim for.

Yes, there are loads of 'ifs' and 'buts' to this, but I'm sure we can all accept the general principle.


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