Soozeeg said:
But I thought the forum only started in March 2005.....or am I having another blonde moment?
Don't know the exact date it started but I'm sure it was going pre 2000.
I can remember when it was moderated in a way that your post was checked by some unknown person before it even appeared on the forum. It could be a couple of days between submitting your post and it actually appearing especially over a weekend. Led to some right jumbled up answers and threads.
I think the 2001 and 2005 dates are when it changed format slightly in regards to the moderating or re-registering members, anyone who was a member at that time shows as joining on the same date ( I think!)
Anyone else remember that way of moderating?
I can also remember loads of members saying "we don't need moderators on a caravan forum, we're all mature adults, why would we need moderators"........... to prevent world war 3 perhaps.