Hi Thursdays Child - yes, thanks very much, that was the one - or very similar anyway. I googled Moroccan Matting after seeing your post (would never have thought to look for Moroccan matting before that - I'd tried everything else!!!!!). I found the website, and it looks just what we are looking for. I think we will order some, but I would like to see it - and feel it, if you know what I mean! On the website the ends look rather unfinished, where the one we saw had proper binding all round, but I supposed they may have done that themselves. It beats plain old awning carpet, though, any day.
We have a sunshade in France, rather than a proper awning, so the 'carpet' is on show all the time, and at the moment we've been using a very large old woollen mat - which holds the dust at bay, but doesn't look nice! This will be a 1,000 per cent improvement!