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Mar 14, 2005
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Dianne as I have previously stated I have respect for you as a person and also as a lady. However it is that Plotter guy who is the devious one and from working in the banking industry it is obvious where he learnt his devious ways.
May 29, 2007
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Simple really, you were correct up until you came to 11%. You see my Privilage card also doubles as a club card and as you know the club card is basically a 1% Discount.

I would by pruchaseing your bits get all your points aswell, which means 11% + 1% = 12%
Mar 14, 2005
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In theory it would be 12+% as going on Plotter's maths the initial figure is marginally over 11%. Therefore 1% added to this 11+% would equate to 12+%. I have made this comment just to annoy Plotter before he goes on holiday. hehehehe
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,I was driven to it!

So Diane that seems like an admission that you intended to reap the profit from fellow caravaners by claiming your discount and claiming club card points and I suppose using this months 'double points' vouchers.I am mortified,but maybe LB is right to mistrust the Welsh:eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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Damn you sir it has now come to pistols at dawn - choose your place and time you blaggard. Not only insulting a young lady but also a fine upstanding WELSH young lady - a pillar of the community I may add.
Jan 2, 2006
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Plotter it seems a major step from banking and finance to driving school instructor. Bank went bankrupt or what? hehehhe
Colin,when HSBC took over Midland the writing was on the wall so it was only a matter of time before they started redundancies,following which I spent 10 years in health insurance.
May 29, 2007
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No, and thanks to the flipping awful goverment, we don't get discount on some pharmacy lines or lottery or Ciggies(don't bother me anymore).

Something to do with goverment legislation on fuel tax, they are not allowed.

Oh yes i would have got you discount as a friend.

And don't forget i have 4 daughters(all grown up ) plus boyfriends(six footers) to feed in the holidays, Plus Ade and i do spend a shameless amount of money on food! No wonder i am getting fat.
Mar 14, 2005
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No, and thanks to the flipping awful goverment, we don't get discount on some pharmacy lines or lottery or Ciggies(don't bother me anymore).

Something to do with goverment legislation on fuel tax, they are not allowed.

Oh yes i would have got you discount as a friend.

And don't forget i have 4 daughters(all grown up ) plus boyfriends(six footers) to feed in the holidays, Plus Ade and i do spend a shameless amount of money on food! No wonder i am getting fat.
Eat, drink and be merry as tomorrow you may be broke.
Jan 2, 2006
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4 daughters all grown up and you a mere strip of a lass at the point of where life begins(+1)

Have you noticed how your mate Colin is trying to stir up racial hatred between you Welsh folk down there in the valleys and us up here in the main country.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter if you were to read one of my postings in reply to Lord B. regarding a Scottish PM you will see that I am all for a United Kingdom. What I am doing is defending the good name of the Welsh against unfair comments made from contributers from other parts of the UK. As far as hatred is concerned us Welsh are very friendly as can be seen on international rugby days. The Scottish and Irish are welcomed with open arms - there is this rivalry against the English which has been going on for quite some time which seems to be good humoured but cautious regarding becoming too matey. Not being a rugby supporter I cannot explain why there is this difference but there is.
Mar 14, 2005
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Dianne it will be an expensive few years for you and hubby when they decide to walk up the ailse. Better start saving now and sell the van to help to pay for it. You will be working for Tesco for ever and a day. Best thing is to give them a one way ticket to Gretna Green.


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