Fingers crossed

Jan 20, 2023
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Where are you off to? Weather looks good, we're loading up this morning to head to the Isle of Wight tomorrow.
Nov 30, 2022
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If your car overheats even with an additional cooling fan then there is something clearly amiss. Towing a caravan will put a lot of extra strain on the cooling system even when moving let alone stationary
First thing I woukd check would be the thermostatic switch that operates the cooling fan. If that's not working the cooling fan won't cut in when it's required, either that or your radiator is clogged. Either way it won't cure itself.

With the temperatures we are currently having, and, by your own admission, a suspect cooling system, I fear you may end up being one of those poor souls sat at the roadside, with the bonnet up, and copious amounts of steam issuing forth.

Personally I would want the cooling sorted before thinking about towing a caravan, in this heat, over a weekend.
Good luck if you do decide to "Go for it" but do plan for the worse!
Jan 20, 2023
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It's an old car, engines been fully rebuilt, so has the cooling system , I'm not too fussed I can sort it.
Engine could well just still be tight following a rebuild, the engine in one of my classics ran hot for the first 300 miles following a complete rebuild, it used to run hot but never actually overheated.
Nov 16, 2015
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I remember coming up the A75 in France, near the Millua viaduct , air temps were in the upper 30's heavy car and caravan, car was overheating, so windows open and heater on full, not a good couple of hours, happy to get to a site a cold beer.
Have a good weekend Tony.
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Sep 23, 2023
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If you find your vehicle is over heating turn heater control on to full heat and windows ,this causes the heater matrix to act as mini radiator . Has a new water pump been fitted
Jul 18, 2017
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First time out in our Lunar this weekend, I'm sure the caravan will be fine, just got to hope there's no holdups on the A1 as my little car has a tendency to overheat in stationary traffic and that's with an additional cooling fan fitted.
With schools closing up to day plus possible some factories closing up for annual 2 week break, the changes of stationary traffic are greatly improved!

Hope you get to your destination quickly and safely for you to relax and enjoy your caravan. (y) :D
Jun 16, 2020
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I used to have a later version of the Granada, a Scorpio. This had a 2.5 Gardiner diesel engine. Without doubt. The very worst car I have had for overheating. Even with the standard viscous fan and a secondary electric fan. And a brand new radiator. It still overheated.

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Nov 11, 2009
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Sorry to say I didn't make it, got relayed back home at 11pm last night, over heating wasn't a problem, hitting a deer at 50mph didn't help, oh well I have spare panels, it can be rebuilt.
Sorry to hear that, thankfully no injuries to you and family. Hope the old girl can be repaired without too much angst
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Jul 18, 2017
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Sorry to say I didn't make it, got relayed back home at 11pm last night, over heating wasn't a problem, hitting a deer at 50mph didn't help, oh well I have spare panels, it can be rebuilt.
Oh dear nor pleasant. We were driving through a built up area in Weymouth when a deer bounded out of someone's garden into the side of our car. Luckily just a dented fender and a much lighter wallet as no point claiming off the insurance for under £500!
Sep 12, 2021
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Sorry to say I didn't make it, got relayed back home at 11pm last night, over heating wasn't a problem, hitting a deer at 50mph didn't help, oh well I have spare panels, it can be rebuilt.
Very sorry to hear that. We live near a large country estate with a large herd of deer so know only too well the risk of unpredictable wildlife.
Glad to see no one was hurt and that you can repair the car and be back up and running quickly.
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Jul 18, 2017
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Just as a thought if any moderators feel this should be moved into a different area, please feel free to move it.
Cheers Tony
Perhaps just the past couple of posts coudldbe moved to the Tow car section as I am sure others would also be interested in the "restoration".


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