First time on a Motorway with a caravan.


Aug 19, 2010
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I drive 15,000 plus miles a year usually in the OK. Has anybody any tips for towing a caravan on a Motorway. I have towed largish trailers and canoe trailers before but never a caravan. I will be doing this on Friday this week for the first time.
Apart from the obvious of keeping the speed sensible, not sharp movements and allowing plenty of room in front, has any body any tips that might help me.
Jul 1, 2009
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just try to read ahead as on any road make smooth movments on over taking ect the speed will be more higher ,try to relax and make sure you have your mirrors on.
Sep 25, 2009
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Hello PR,
I am new to caravanning, but having been a Sales rep, used to driving high mileage. I have found driving on Motorways or Dual Carriage ways fairly easy, just setting the cruise control to 60 and sitting back quite relaxed. At this speed you will come up to large articulated lorries, which you will want to overtake, make your decisions early, keeping a good eye on your mirrors to allow plenty of time to pull out safely. When you have passed, the nearside mirror is crucial in making you decision to pull in again, many wagons will flash you, however if in doubt leave it a little longer, or touch the accelerator to give you a bigger margin, before making your move to the inner lane.

The main thing I have learned from this Forum is to ensure you have the correct Nose Weight, and the weight in the correct space, packed securely, within the caravan. Other than that I agree with Dean (forest gump) just relax and enjoy it, at least there is room for the maniacs to get past you.
Best regards,


Nov 12, 2009
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Give yourself plenty of time for your journey, don't be rushed or intimidated into making mistakes by drivers of other vehicles and keep the speed down and under control on long downhill stretches of carriageway.
Try to overtake when travelling uphill rather than downhill, be aware that ruts in the carriageway can introduce some instability to your caravan as can crosswinds and large overtaking vehicles. Try to gain a feel for what the car and caravan are doing in relation to each other so that you can react in plenty of time to avoid snaking.
DON'T attempt to accelerate out of instability or snaking movements. It's best to take your feet of the pedals or gently dab the brakes to bleed off speed before loss of control takes place.
Check the tyre pressures on your caravan and towing vehicle before starting out, it might be necessary to increase the pressure in the rear tyres of the towcar slightly.


Mar 17, 2007
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As parksy said be steady on the downhills, be mindful of large vehicles overtaking you. When its breezy be aware of the countryside opening out to either side of you as sudden cross winds can introduce instability.
Aug 8, 2006
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I would say the biggest thing is, as mentined before, the effect of large vehicles passing/you passing them. I find the most noticeable effect is when you overtake a lorry, it will first suck you towards it, and then away as you pass. You soon get used to this! Most lorry drivers are very aware of this, and will keep to the left of their lane when you pass.

Also, don't underestimate the effect on your stability of a high sided van (usually white!) passing you at 80mph. The worst situation is where you are overtaking a lorry, and a van then passes you at high speed at the same time.

Finally, take it slow on downhill sections (e.g. M5 in Somerset/Bristol). It can be very tempting to overtake a lorry on the way up the hill, passing it on the brow of the hill. The lorry will then speed up, as it starts going downhill, and you are left in the centre lane with the option of either pulling back in behind it, or going too fast. The rule I was told is always go down a hill at the same speed you would go up it, when towing.

The single worst thing about motorways is finding decent places to stop en route (except in France). I have yet to see a decent service area with good provision for caravans in the UK.

Don't let this put you off though - it's really not that bad.
Dec 13, 2007
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New service area on A1 at Wetherby has spot on facilities for caravans, own dedicated area not among HGVs
Used both ways travelling to/from Northumberland
Apr 22, 2006
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The one thing I would advise you to be wary of is car transporters. These seem to create much more turbulance behind them which can upset the caravan a bit depending upon the wind conditions prevelant at the time.

As a side note I noticed that another poster made mention of using cruise control whilst towing and I confess to doing this myself but most car handbooks advise against doing this.


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