Fixed bike rack on rear of van

Jan 4, 2007
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I am thinking of fitting a 2 bike carrier to the rear of our van, but i am worried about the length going over the maximum 8m. As the van shipping length is 7.95 will the bike carrier be added to the length of the van or will it be treated as a axillary bracket. i have asked swift van for input but no reply yet.

Does anybody have any info regarding an issue like this

Many thanks

Jan 3, 2007
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Mark...Officially, the total shipping length of the car/caravan needs to be recorded when booking ferries and if you are carrying bikes on the rear of the van this needs to be taken into account. I have used dozens of Ferries and the overall length has never been measured on the dockside so there is little likelyhood that it will be picked up.

Remember also, your number plate and all lights must not be obstructed and if you travel abroad, many countries require a square reflective warning board (diagonal red and white stripes) to be fitted as well.

However, my caravan is an Abbey Spectrum, which is a Swift derivative and the only bike carrier recommended for SOME models only is the Fiamma rack. The fitting of this requires the rear of the caravan to be drilled completely through to the inside of the van to fit the fixing bolts and dealer did not recommend this. He said the construction of continental vans (German mainly) is different to the UK vans and in his opinion the rear of most UK vans is not really ideal to carry bikes. Saying all that he did say it could be done but I would have to live with the fixing bolts through the rear of the van and these would have to be left on when the van is sold.

You also need to compensate when loading your van to allow for the extra weight of the bicycles and the carrier at the rear.
Jul 19, 2007
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For stability of the outfit, a bike rack on the back of a caravan is just about the worst place to have one.
Depending on the year some Swifts and their deratives have dedicated timber blocks to take cycle carriers. However as said take care with the loading, and without doubt the best place for stability is on the roof of the tow-car.
Jun 29, 2004
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Do not do it!!!

Fitting a two bike, bike rack to the rear of the van can prove a disaster waiting to happen. It is not just a case of loading and distributing the extra weight, it is because that sort of weight on the rear of the van will exasapate the pendulum effect if you start to snake. As such it can turn even the smallest of snake into a major one.

If you bought two cases of wine, would you then put them right at the back of the van? Same thing!!!



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