fly screen in roof vent

Oct 30, 2009
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hi all.
Does anyone know how to remove the flyscreen in the roof vent for cleaning? been out to the van this afternoon to give it a good wash and brush up prior to packing and thought the roof vent flyscreen near the cooker could do with a good clean (seems a bit greasy) it wont clean in situ properly and I can't see any way of removing it save taking out the 8 retaining screwws and taking off the whole btm of the vent off but I'm a bit worried about breaking the top seal.
it does not appear to un clip from the housing.
the vent does not appear to have a makers name on it, the only description I could give is it's about 2ft square with a blind integrated into the flap, the outer edge of the btm section has slots on all 4sides for ventilation,
thanks in advance
Oct 30, 2009
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hi guys
guess its like the brake question no ones come across it before ??
anyway does not matter now as I tried to remove it this morning and broke it. so had to replace the whole roof vent £82 worth but at least its now nice and clean. it was a MPK 480x480.
thanks again for your help.

Mar 14, 2005
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Oh dear -too late, I wa going to suggest replacing it with an Omnivent which has an extract fan too. The screen comes off easily, four screws in the corners.


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