A Angela_5076436 Aug 8, 2005 181 0 0 Visit site Feb 9, 2008 #1 I would be most grateful if you would arrnage for me to have the e-mail address for crusader [ aka Jim] ASAP so we can arrange to get in touch with each other to exchange Camping Cheques as in the thread on Eqipment and Accessories
I would be most grateful if you would arrnage for me to have the e-mail address for crusader [ aka Jim] ASAP so we can arrange to get in touch with each other to exchange Camping Cheques as in the thread on Eqipment and Accessories
K KenWashington Mar 16, 2005 502 0 0 Visit site Feb 9, 2008 #2 I can't give out email addresses of other members. I can pass your email on to Jim with your permission. Email me his username and the text of a post he has made recently to help me ID him. Mod1 pcvforum@templenet.co.uk
I can't give out email addresses of other members. I can pass your email on to Jim with your permission. Email me his username and the text of a post he has made recently to help me ID him. Mod1 pcvforum@templenet.co.uk