French sign puzzle 2 (the sequal)

Jul 13, 2010
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Been’s as I have just read French sign puzzle and there was a definitive answer. I have got a similar conundrum that as puzzled us for years. Before the main route down to Spain was opened through France and just after, we used to go via the rough duck pate area (fwar gra, now you know why I said rough duck
) and there was loads of either plastic or wooden black images of people lining the road, ones, twos and sometimes in 3’s.

What do/did they mean?
Dec 14, 2006
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They mean that at that exact point on the road someone was killed in a road accident! Sometimes, in some areas, you see them in shapes so there will be a man, a woman, children, and (once) a baby! It's a real reminder to keep your speed down, and drive safely!
They're still there in some areas of France - and it's a tragedy when you see a new one appear on a road you're familiar with.
Keep safe - and remember what they signify next time you see one.
Jul 15, 2008
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.......since there are nearly twice as many road deaths/day in France as there are in the UK, you could argue that you have to be far more careful when driving there.
The number of drivers in the UK is roughly the same as there is in France and the French police recognise that the problem is one of French drivers not obeying the rules!

As Val says ......Take Care.
Nov 5, 2006
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having motored & camped abroad for more than 50 years I remember seeing wreaths & flowers left at the site of accidents.long before the practice appeared here in the UK


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