Fridge ventilation

Mar 14, 2005
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I used the van during last winter, but there is a real cutting draught coming through the two fridge vents. I appreciate that there has to be ventilation for safety's sake, but this really is making the van and us cold inside. Someone has mentioned vent screens to lessen the draught - does anyone know what these are, and where they can be obtained? Or any other ideas, please. Thanks, Clive


Mar 14, 2005
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Clive . We to had this problem with our fridge and initially solved it by fitting winter grills . However after purchasing the Haynes caravan manual I discovered that our fridge had not been sealed properly. This was resolved by fitting 2 aluminium plates top and bottom behind the fridge, this not only solved the problem but also resulted in the fridge being more efficient.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Clive I also have the problem of a cold draught when the wind is on the caravans vent side. My fridge is a Dometic and comes with a cowling at the back isolating the vents from the inside of the caravan.There is however 2 small openings about an inch square where the wiring and gas pipes pass through to the controls on the front of the fridge, this is where the draught gets in. I believe that the problem will be cured by fitting winter covers, but these holes can also be closed by inserting a piece of sponge that is larger than the 2 holes. Finally if your fridge is also a Dometic, Leisure Spares 01132 530728 supply the covers at


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