Sep 24, 2008
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If it is a replacement and is of the same type then it is easy,but. First will a competant person fit it.If you know what you are doing then connecting up the wiring should not take longer that 10 min' and connecting up gas say 5 min' ,screw on any deflector plate another few min' pushing back into place couple of min', replacing screws through sides few min'. Then test for all supplies.Some people make it sound like rocket science but it is not , long as you are qualified to do it that is.However if it is a special then many factors have to be put into place.


If it is an older van then there will probably be a cupboard that is of the correct size as many older vans offered the fridge as an option. Again, with older vans the fridge will be the small Dometic/Electrolux unit and this can be fitted as a DIY option, if you have common sense and basic tools. The big problem is that you have to cut holes for the flue and vents, and that may give you collywobbles. You should also have the gas connections approved by a competent engineer.

One other option is to see of a compressor fridge will work and forget having a gas line. Again you will need ventilation but this can be done without cutting the outside wall. Have a look at the Waeco web page to see if there is anything that would suit.

The other dead easy option is to buy a 3 way box fridge. This will plug into the electric and do an excellent job without any DIY mods. They can also be connected to aseparate gas cylinder if required, and 12 volt option is available. Have a look at the Towsure web page for ideas.


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