From Our web Site

May 25, 2008
This is not an identical posting to the one under OWS I have corrected my grammar !!!!!!!

Not having seen the post I can't comment, but what I find amusing is when people quote the Law. Travellers do have rights under the Law as do we all.

On a Caravan Forum Travellers are a Legitimate Issue. Just because someone gets heated when the word " Traveller " is mentioned is not a just cause to stop discussion of the subject IMHO. My local councillor has had the eviction of Travellers raised 4 times in the courts over the past 2 months. No one has accused him of being a racist ( in fact he is being applauded). A forum with a heading Chit Chat is for airing different opinions, Practical Caravan supplies this medium, For many subjects like Technical, U K Parks, Overseas Parks etc. It is probably the best on the net for info on these subjects. The Technical contributors are head and shoulders above any other caravan forum I have ever looked at. That is including the Gold Standard Caravan Club technical sections.

Some how the moderators on here take it upon themselves to " protect " contributors from themselves. If you don't like the way things are going " leave the thread " it really is that simple. So please mods leave all the Law talk alone, it is irrelevant "No one has ever been charged in Law for using a forum to incite a riot or be accused of being a racist " Xenophobic is different to being a racist.

So mods as the song goes just relax relax don't do it.

I posted this in response to the heavy handed mods thread. I would be interested to hear if people think this is a reasonable response ??????????/
Jan 19, 2008
I quote from a post made in February, how times change.

Back then Mod2 aka Damian(Moderator) was saying exactly what alan and Frank have just said ....


6 Feb 2008 08:32 PM Mark Mac,

Firstly glad you enjoy the magazine and forum, hopefully you will gain some knowledge , or part with knowledge to other users.

As for the Chit Chat part of the site, that is precisely what it is, Chit Chat, for jokes, trivia, gossip and non caravan issues.

It is totally unreasonable to expect censorship of every posting that does not meet the expectations of one or more other users, as in real life subjects will be discussed, and comments made of which some people will be in agreement, whilst others will not.

As long as topics do not become battle grounds between posters, and end up with personal slanging matches going on, then it is only reasonable to allow some place to let off steam about subjects which are contentious in a general context.

As it stand in this country right now, our freedom of speech is being eroded daily by those who may not like to hear the "other" view on life.

Unfortunately life is not all sweet and nice, in fact it is rough, nasty and dangerous most of the time.

Having been a Mod here for some time now, I have come in for more that a fair share of criticism about some postings being removed, however if it warrants removal ,then it will be, regardless of my own personal feelings on the matter.

Users have a choice in what they choose to read or not, if a certain topic is not to ones liking, simply do not read it, but trying to impose a blanket ban on everything will not work, nor should it.

Please continue to enjoy the parts you like,ask questions, get answers, and ignore the others.

Mod 2


Mar 14, 2005
Having been out all day I have just caught up with the postings.

As a posting of mine is being aired as the seemingly "benchmark", let me clarify that post to make certain things very clear ( I hope).

I stand by what I posted, in general terms, but when a Troll deliberately posts messages designed to elicit very strong views from other users, and the topic will, as it will inevitably, end up in personal insults and slanging matches, then that post WILL be deleted.

I have no problem with genuine topics sometimes ending up in differing points of view, as long as personalities and insults against any person or single group are not brought into play.

This is primarily a Caravan Forum, with many new to caravanning looking for answers to problems we may have spoken about many times in the past, but to these folk they are new problems..

It is very very depressing to have to come in to reading the same old rubbish about various tired and boring topics , contentious as they are, and it makes a supposedly helpful forum into no more than a dustbin of bickering so called adults.

I have, and do, monitor what is happening on other forums, and not one of them suffers from stupid postings as this one does.

If what we, as Mods, are doing is seen as heavy handed by some contributers, that is a shame, and if they want to pursue the kind of topics that get deleted, then please feel free to use any other forum which will tolerate it.

When the new forum is up and running most of the problems will be much easier to deal with in lots of new ways, sadly unavailable to this engine at the moment.

When a topic is deleted at the present time, unfortunately every other post in that topic gets deleted too, nothing we can do about that.


Nov 12, 2009
Apologies to members who'se comments have been deleted with the last topic which I've only just seen.

There's a troll operating on the forum so I'm afraid that when we notice his topics they go.

Perhaps if members don't respond to the troll he'll eventually get the message but unfortunately any comments that are added to the trolls threads are automatically deleted.
Mar 9, 2008
Hello mods and all , I feel I must ask at the risk of looking silly but , what is a troll and how does it/this/them affect the forum ? Happy for a logical answer from the mods , thank you very much for a hopeful reply . Steve .


Mar 26, 2008

Pleased you asked that one first, I've never heard the term "Troll" either, other than in my kids fairy stories !



Mar 14, 2005
Troll (Internet)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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"Do not feed the trolls" and its abbreviation DNFTT redirects here. For the Wikipedia essay, see "What is a troll?"

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]


Mar 26, 2008
Troll (Internet)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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"Do not feed the trolls" and its abbreviation DNFTT redirects here. For the Wikipedia essay, see "What is a troll?"

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]
We live and learn.....I'm going to blame BT and a longline issue between my house and my nearest exchange, resulting in my fairly recent acquisition of internet.

I'm learning quickly but sometimes feel like I'm back in the dark ages when it comes to internet use,

Thanks for the explanation Damien,

Mar 9, 2008
And thank you very much from me as well Damian , I suppose we all do a bit of leg pulling in posts to excite the situation at time , could this be trolling ? Or maybe when we scan around different forums and posts , could this be ( wait for it )

PET - TROLLING . only joking , well trying to . Steve .


You should be aware, Rosie, that opinion is divided on the subject of 'Trolls'

The term can sometimes be applied by moderators who are too lazy or insufficiently experienced to handle genuine dissent - it's a temptingly easy solution to label posters as 'Trolls', and then dispense with them.

There is no doubt that some Trolls are crude, offensive and (perhaps worst of all) boring! - but there are those of a quite different calibre, those who could truthfully be described as performance artistes.

Trolls that can make you laugh and cry, trolls who have fund of anecdotes, trolls who very well might have sharper and more incisive minds that the moderators who hate them so much - and, of course, trolls who are persistent, who stay the course and don't allow the discouragement of petty complainers to put them off their stride.

A forum with such a 'Troll' is, indeed, a forum that is blessed.

Jan 19, 2008
For what I recall of the accusation of someone being a Troll it was sidneys post, which were unfairly deleted, that instigated it.

To try and get his point across he attracted the Mods ire so had his account suspended.

He then created new accounts, although suspended, to try and correct a wrong but because of this he was wrongly labelled a Troll. sidney had been posting for some weeks on all topics without any problems so I think you were right in your summing up of the meaning of the word "Troll" M'lud Selwyn.
Jul 13, 2006
I think the best way to view the mods is people who are desperate for their 15 mins of fame. I think we are all grown up enough to discuss any topics and make our own minds up about certain posters. Didn't someone famous once say somethinig along the lines of ' I might not agree with what you are saying but I will defend your right to say it'. Mods would do well to follow this advice.


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