Front gas locker leaking water

Mar 14, 2005
We have just returned from a trip and whilst away I noticed water on the floor of the gas locker, it looks as though it has run in from the top of the locker door during rain, the door has a lock at either end and I wonder if there is an adjustment that can be made to improve the seal,the caravan is a 2018 Lunar Clubman with full width locker door that opens upwards on metal framework.


Mar 14, 2005
Gas lockers are not claimed to be waterproof and it is not uncommon for water to get in, but with the amount of ventilation this should evaporate quite quickly.

Another source of water in gas lockers is if the gas has had heavy use and the cylinder has frosted on the outside, then thawed.
Nov 16, 2015
Remember that there is a large gas escape vents in the front locker , which when travelling, can let in water from road spray.
Mar 14, 2005
If you are reasonably handy you can adjust the hinges on many locker lids by loosening the screws slightly and moving the lid, perhaps inwards to be closer to the seal. It may be obvious which way the movement needs to be by looking at the gaps round the edge of it when closed and whether the top edge is as far to the rear as it can go,
Don't forget to fully re tighten the screws
May 7, 2012
We are on our second Lunar and so far have had no evidence of water in the lockers although this was the norm with previous makes. The main problem tended to be driving into rain when the locker would be under most pressure. Do you know if it is coming in when the caravan is standing or if it is just when traveling?
I would get it checked when the caravan is next serviced, but unless there is a lot of water I would not worry about it.
Sep 10, 2014
I have a lunar and spent hours adjusting the hinges and adding sealant to try prevent leaking,,only to be told at the show in Birmingham by the Lunar guys that gas lockers aren't meant to be water proof.
Mar 14, 2005
Thank you to everyone that has replied, I have identified that the water is coming in at the top seal, in rain and from hosepipe and watering can test. The door is bowed outwards in the middle and the locks are at either end at the top, one fixes vertically and one fixes horizontally, it seems as though the locks may be forcing the middle of the door outwards meaning the rubber seal leaves a gap between it and the door, there looks to be some adjustment on the screws holding the door to it's frame so will try that and perhaps slacken the locks off to ease the pressure on the ends of the door, my concern is that the plywood floor is already showing signs of blistering where the water has been pooling on the floor of the locker.
Sep 29, 2016
woodsieboy said:
Thank you to everyone that has replied, I have identified that the water is coming in at the top seal, in rain and from hosepipe and watering can test. The door is bowed outwards in the middle and the locks are at either end at the top, one fixes vertically and one fixes horizontally, it seems as though the locks may be forcing the middle of the door outwards meaning the rubber seal leaves a gap between it and the door, there looks to be some adjustment on the screws holding the door to it's frame so will try that and perhaps slacken the locks off to ease the pressure on the ends of the door, my concern is that the plywood floor is already showing signs of blistering where the water has been pooling on the floor of the locker.

I understand and sympathise with your concern wodsieboy, I too would be anxious to resolve the problem.

Making the door take on a shape that would prevent water ingress may prove difficult.

I might consider (after doing what I could with the water ingress from the ill fitting door) to coat the floor of the compartment with a waterproof membrane.

Drill holes in the floor to allow any water to drain out and coat with generous amounts of waterproof membrane coating.

This product should do the job, will be slow to dry out to the point that there are no odours, but could be applied when you plan to lay up the caravan between outings.
Jun 2, 2017
Anseo said:
woodsieboy said:
Thank you to everyone that has replied, I have identified that the water is coming in at the top seal, in rain and from hosepipe and watering can test. The door is bowed outwards in the middle and the locks are at either end at the top, one fixes vertically and one fixes horizontally, it seems as though the locks may be forcing the middle of the door outwards meaning the rubber seal leaves a gap between it and the door, there looks to be some adjustment on the screws holding the door to it's frame so will try that and perhaps slacken the locks off to ease the pressure on the ends of the door, my concern is that the plywood floor is already showing signs of blistering where the water has been pooling on the floor of the locker.

I understand and sympathise with your concern wodsieboy, I too would be anxious to resolve the problem.

Making the door take on a shape that would prevent water ingress may prove difficult.

I might consider (after doing what I could with the water ingress from the ill fitting door) to coat the floor of the compartment with a waterproof membrane.

Drill holes in the floor to allow any water to drain out and coat with generous amounts of waterproof membrane coating.

This product should do the job, will be slow to dry out to the point that there are no odours, but could be applied when you plan to lay up the caravan between outings.

If you do coat the floor make sure you leave enough venting uncovered to allow any gas to escape as it is heavier than air and will escape downwards.
As someone posted above this is also where water can get in when touring from rain & road spray blowing in. Unfortunately you cannot totally eliminate this or you may leave yourself vulnerable to gas build up with horrendous consequences
Jan 19, 2002
Do we understand this to be a new van - if you are not satisfied with the locker door then the dealer should assist under the van's warranty and drilling holes or making other mods might invalidate this.