Front locker hing cover seal?

Aug 17, 2008
Just giving my van a quick wash/clean and noticed that the plastic/rubber(?) covering the front locker hinge is beginning to split! Looks like the hing is pop riveted on and the seal is part of it?
any simple way to replace it or is this a total replacement? Hinge goes across the top of the locker door.
Adria Adora 612DP.
Apr 7, 2008
Can you post a photo or two so that we can clearly see what you are describing ....

Have a look here about posting photos .. ;)

When you upload a photo to photobucket you then need to click on the link at the side of the word Direct, it will highlight and quickly say copied ..

When you click on the tab to insert a photo you need to remove the htpp:// before you paste your link into that box


The box will then look like this ...


Then put a size into the box for the photo size and past the link into the box below.


Just remember that when you click insert it will put the photo were the cursor is .....

shout up if you need more instructions ;)
Apr 7, 2008
Hi Len

Yes it worked ok can you post a few photo's of how it is fitted on the inside please ?

But from what you have said previously i suspect that the pop rivets will have to be carefully removed by using a small drill to remove the head's only, the body of the pop rivet can then be gently pushed back through the hole, and then the hinge and old seal can be removed.....
Then the hole's can be re-used with a correct size rivet to hold the hinge and new seal back in place....
Apr 20, 2009
Hi Len, as you already know my van was made by Adria and I have the exact problem as you :(

Looked at it a few weeks ago and that was as far as I got, but came to the conclusion that yes all 48 rivets would have to come out. The actual seal just looks like a flat piece about 25mm to 30mm wide? This is riveted and sandwiched between the main body and the hinge then tucked around the hinge whilst putting the locker door back on, will be a two handed job to hold the locker door in place until you get a few rivets back in. And there in lies another problem the pop riverter i have may be too big to get between the body and the lip around the locker, will have to get it out and double check.
Oh and a word of caution as we will be fitting back in to "plastic" so to speak make sure the rivets are not too tight as the first one on mine has always had a crack in it.
Oh and if you source the seal let us know where from, Cheers. Maybe a standard supply in caravan shop?
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
Oh and a word of caution as we will be fitting back in to "plastic" so to speak make sure the rivets are not too tight as the first one on mine has always had a crack in it.

I would have thought that there was a backing plate or washer's that the pop rivets go into to alleviate that problem ?
Apr 20, 2009
Sproket said:
Gagakev said:
Oh and a word of caution as we will be fitting back in to "plastic" so to speak make sure the rivets are not too tight as the first one on mine has always had a crack in it.

I would have thought that there was a backing plate or washer's that the pop rivets go into to alleviate that problem ?

Sprocket, Actually think you are right, there are some sort of small washers there. Will take a closer look.


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