Front window vibration marks

Oct 12, 2013
Hi all , we've got a baileys orion , with one large window at the front as you can see , last year , I noticed a mark , as if a bird had hit it in the middle , but the marks were to get bigger , but they were caused by the inner panes slightly touching whilst in motion according to where we got it , so they changed it no bother under warranty , full new window , but now less than a year , and just back from France , we've noticed it starting to reappear on this one !
Any idea how to deter it from happening ?
Nov 6, 2005
I think you will find what is happening is the window parts are touching together when you are driving. You have a much bigger window so the flex in the plastic is more than say the smaller windows.
I had a a similar problem with an Elddis,but with the normal 3 window front the middle window rubbed when driving at a higher speed.
You could see the window deflecting in the mirror? I only do around 60mph so it wasn't excess speed.

A cure either drive much slower or maybe a deflector on the car roof to take the wind off the front of the van?


Mar 14, 2005
If it is less than a year since fitting the new window, get onto your dealer to get another new one under warranty.
If you don't, you are looking at getting on for £1000 for a new one !!!!
A front towing cover would not be of any benefit as it is the wind pressure making the two panes touch, a towing cover just adds weight to the pressure of the wind.
Oct 12, 2013
Thanks , its going to baileys next Friday , been told window warranty started day I bought the van , coming up t two years in a few weeks , I thought I'd have a years warranty on each new part ? So I could expect this to be a reoccurring problem then ? I was thinking about the wind deflectors the other day as it happens ...
Nov 6, 2005
I would expect the same problem to occur again as the window will exactly the same unless they upgrade the plastic?
It must related to what type of vehicle tows the caravan airflow etc as it doesn't happen to every van?
I would agree with the warranty of a year on the new part?
Apr 3, 2010
My Avondale had this prob, fretting they called it Whenever I see one for sale at a dealers they all have the same marks. I was informed at the time that the warranty did not cover windows!. Anyway I was also told that a replacement should be made slightly thicker (the gap between the panes) to prevent this happening in future. When I saw the price of the replacement I decided to 'live with it'


Mar 14, 2005
Quote " been told window warranty started day I bought the van , coming up t two years in a few weeks "

Who told you about the warranty timing?
I agree that initially the warranty started on the day you bought the van, but you have had a replacement window fitted so the warranty on that window starts the day it is fitted.
If you now need another window, then the warranty on the new window starts from when its fitted.

Remember the Sale of Goods Act, a product must be suitable for its application, and the windows so far have not been fit for purpose as they are damaged by normal towing, which is expected on a caravan.(the towing, not the damage).

The new window should have a wider gap between the panes to stop them touching.
I believe that the original windows come with a two year warranty but replacement windows come with a one year warranty, but am happy to be corrected on this.
Oct 12, 2013
Thanks damian , I thought with the New window fitted less than a year ago , as with any New part , we'd have a year or some warranty on it , I wasn't happy when she said from date off van purchase , but Will have it out with them when I go down next week . It was the service desk that mentioned the warranty only lasted on windows 2 years from purchase date , Will let you's know our outcome , hopefully , a New window and ill stress bout the thickness off the panes this time .thanks for all replies and suggestions .
May 7, 2012
Fully agree with Damien. The Sale of Goods Act applies and quote it and don not be fobbed off. Threaten a small claims action if you get no joy.


May 7, 2005
If the window was purchased then yes, it should come with a warranty, but if it was replaced FOC under the warranty then the duration IMO is almost certainly to the original warranty date.
Replacing parts don't usually bring extensions to the warranty.

Replacement under the SOGA is quite a separate legal issue to a makers warranty.

However, whatever way it is looked at, the window should be fit for purpose and like mine on my Hymer it is not.

I am not so sure towing speed is the real issue, I think its slamming into bow waves from vehicles passing at up to 120 mph closing speeds. But that's what happens so the product should take it.
Oct 12, 2013
Hi all , it's been a while since I've been on but I took the caravan down to my supplier and straight away they could see the markings on the front window. After 4 - 5 weeks I rang back the other day to find out Baileys had ok'd the Warranty claim & now a new front window is on order - which will probably take about another 5-6 weeks like last time but at least it's getting done free of charge . Still thinking of buying a wind fin for the top off the car to ease and minimise the wind hitting the front window to hopefully stop it from happening again . :)


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