Fuel Consumption

May 7, 2007
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Hi Folks,

My wife and I have travelled from Pontypridd, South Wales, to Anglesey, North Wales. We filled the tank to the top with £50 worth of diesel (it was near to empty) we have traveled a total of 335 miles of which 215 miles was towing our van (MTPLM 1465) before we needed a refil.

The tow vehicle is a 06 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4.

Is this good fuel economy or what!!!


Graham (Ponty)
May 12, 2006
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Hi Graham,

That's around 28/29 to the gallon !!!. Don't sound to bad to me. Someone will be along shortly and let you know what they get out of a land rover !!!

Mar 14, 2005
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A policy body report issued today said that exceeding the speed limit causes more CO2 emmissions - e.g. doing 80mph on the motorway causes 30% more emmissions than driving at 70mph. They are calling for rigid enforcement of speed limits to save the planet. { they don't of course say that driving in a low gear to clear speed humps also has a similar effect).

They will be looking at other inefficient uses of vehicles so towing a caravan will be in their sights. Beware they are out to get you - best to look at who the sponser is of these policy committees.
Jun 12, 2006
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We've got a disco that does 30-35 to the gallon when towing and a mondeo that did 45 when towing.

The mondeo doesn't tow anymore now we got the disco but at the moment it's doing 60.3 to the gallon.
May 7, 2007
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Hi Folks,

One of the reasons I ask about fuel consumption is I purchased a couple of fuel saving devices off ebay, personally I think they work as we are well pleased with the fuel consumption of the Freelander compared to our Ford Focus we used to own, as I said in another post my wife uses the freelander to and from work she puts less money in fuel in the freelander than she did with the Focus.

The 215 miles I mentioned above were all on A roads with just a few miles on dual carriageways and basicly all up hill from south wales to north wales if you know what I mean.

The fuel saving device I purchased came from Australia so if anybody is interested they can be found here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CAR-FUEL-SAVER-SAVE-UP-TO-27-NEW-GAS-PETROL-ioniser_W0QQitemZ290157953058QQihZ019QQcategoryZ43120QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

All the best

Graham (Ponty)
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi Folks,

One of the reasons I ask about fuel consumption is I purchased a couple of fuel saving devices off ebay, personally I think they work as we are well pleased with the fuel consumption of the Freelander compared to our Ford Focus we used to own, as I said in another post my wife uses the freelander to and from work she puts less money in fuel in the freelander than she did with the Focus.

The 215 miles I mentioned above were all on A roads with just a few miles on dual carriageways and basicly all up hill from south wales to north wales if you know what I mean.

The fuel saving device I purchased came from Australia so if anybody is interested they can be found here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CAR-FUEL-SAVER-SAVE-UP-TO-27-NEW-GAS-PETROL-ioniser_W0QQitemZ290157953058QQihZ019QQcategoryZ43120QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

All the best

Graham (Ponty)
Hi Graham

you dont mention what the differences were to the Freelander performance before and after fitting the device.

(Personally I doubt these things work. I work in the motoring industry and I asked a few Technical engineers I work with about them. Their response , Why dont the Manufacturers fit them if they are that good?)

I also think that the Freelander has a pretty good fuel economy anyway. I've had 2 TD4 Autos and both were returning 35+ mpg and thats driving in town in rush hour traffic every day.


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