Full time in Van or MotorHome

Jul 17, 2006
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My wife and I are just about to move out of our house and spend a few years travelling firstly in Britain and then in Europe. We have been making plans for some time and are starting to get a bit excited about it all. However over the last few weeks we have been wondering if our plan to live in the caravan is the right one or whether we should change it for a motorhome. Both would appear to have their advantages and disadvantages. Anyone out there doing or done this or have any thoughts on the subject.


Nov 26, 2006
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I would suggest it depends on the lifestyle you are planning;

If you plan to move on most days, a motorhome may be best.

If you plan to move every 2 or 3 weeks, and do a lot of travelling around each base, then a caravan would be best.
Mar 2, 2006
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hi BML

I think its horses for courses, we have friends who for two years used a motorhome to spend the winter in Spain but got fed up of having to tow a small car on the back to get around with when they got there,plus the two lots of tax and insurance plus mot last year they traded in the motorhome for a swift t/a and a sorento and they are finding it to be more flexable set up.they did have a very large motorhome though.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think out of all the combinations available for full timing, it would have to be a fifth wheel unit. You have a tow vehicle that you could use daily, plus the added benefit of space and equipment in the trailer. The downside is cost, two expensive pieces of kit to pay out for.
Apr 11, 2005
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I would to go for a fifth wheel

I did have a web page were you cud get one that was built for the roads in the UK but I lost it now. It a pity as it was only hour a way.

Jul 17, 2006
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I take on whats been said, the fifth wheeler is not an option. So its between the space of caravan and awning and the versatility of the motorhome. I think the final decision will be made after the first 6 months in the caravan and see how that goes. Though the motorhome is looking like the preferred option for the winter.
May 12, 2005
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I don`t understand why you think the motorhome is the choice for the winter,surely vans are just as warm and bigger if your stuck indoors.

and quote "the versatility of the motorhome" I dont get it,unless your going to take a second car, you have to pack every thing away to go touring around the area, you will often struggle getting in hyper market car parks with a motorhome, I should think parking in general in towns would be awkward.

personnaly (though I`ve never done what you are about to)I would prefer a good comfortable tow car and a huge van with all the comforts, fixed bed etc.

anyway there`s my 2penneth, I hope everything goes well and you have a great time,

all the best Tony A.
Apr 26, 2007
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hello there BML, we have been full time since November, we chose to go for a caravan, nice big twin axle wiyh end washroom and fixed double bed, even though I am involved with building motorcaravans for a living we thought it would be impractical for us, as I am self employed and still work around the Norwich area we tend to stay on CL sites locally and we can still both have our own cars to use, the other thing is that to get the same space and facilities as you get in a caravan, motorhomes seem to have to be a lot bigger and are now reaching upwards of
Jul 17, 2006
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Thanks for all the replies. Mark it was good to get your insight, we have decided to stick with the caravan option and not change for a motorhome mainly because as you said the space is far better. We have the furniture and address sorted out with a relative so hopefully won't have a problem with insurance. However I was wondering how you go about insuring the caravan as when we insured ours we had to tell them where it was being stored, will the premiums go up if you say you are on the move all the time??? And do you have any problems if you need to have mail forwarded to you?

Thanks again

Apr 26, 2007
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hello again, when we insured the caravan we registered it at the address we use, bear in mind that for most things you don't want to admit you are full time, ie caravan club etc is for recreational use only, insurance may be for recreational use only, also if you buy a new van DON'T tell the dealer that you will be using the van full time, there is often mention in warrenties that van should only be used for recreation,although we are full time we always use one address for all paper work etc, this is handy for me as it's my parents address and is where our family business is so I pick can up mail whenever I *** in to do a job, I can also park the van here if needed. just keep it in mind that although you will be full time caravanners you really want to let others think that you are not , this does make life easier.
Aug 4, 2004
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I wonder if there are any insurance companies out there that will give you insurance on a touring caravan that is being used for residential purposes? Do people who have a caravan on a seasonal site pay more or less? Surely under these circumstances the caravan is far safer than being in a storage compound even if it is a Cassoa site. Any one with any ideas on why caaravan insurers are reluctant to insure touring caravans besides the travellers excuse?


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