Galaxy Noseweight

Mar 17, 2007
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For months now PC magazine has been publishing the incorrect noseweight for the Ford Galaxy. At one stage I was even interested in buying a Galaxy because PC repeatedly put the noseweight at 115 kg., then I found out that it was just 80 or 85 kg. It was even brought to PC's notice through this forum. So have they cracked on to it yet.... no. In this months edition on page 91 they give out 80 kg and yet, on page 147 they are back with 115 kg. What chance do beginner's have when trying to get things right when the self proclaiming ' best caravan magazine ' cannot. Come on Mr Rodgerson, it's not rocket science!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Rod,

This just goes to show that you cannot always rely on information published by third parties to be accurate. You should only use it as a guide and confirm important details with the manufacturer or their supplier.

The same applies to technical information given (probably in good faith) out through forums like this.
Nov 7, 2005
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...and you can't always rely on the manufacturers to get figures right - beware awning sizes.

I was on the verge of ordering an awning of the size quoted in my caravan manufacturers' handbook (a very reputable one), only to be told that the correct size on the awning makers' table for my model was two sizes smaller.

And they were right!
Mar 17, 2007
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Even the Caravan Club, in it's magazine are not immune from missleading us. They stuck 100kg on the weight of my van when they showed mtplm, and then argued the toss that they were right! I emailed Swift who confirmed the club was wrong. and I forwarded it to the Club, who have now gone quiet! I don't think that some of these writer's quite realise that some of the less questioning among us, take their written word as gospel. It also, I fear, shows that some of them have anything like a real interest in the subject. Hence their moves between 'sister' magazines....!


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