Gas Alarm

May 12, 2006
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I don't know if this is any use for touring vans, or even if it's cheap ???

Gas alarm "detects Methane, Propane and Butane gas even in very low concentrations.

With loud 85db alarm and red alert light

Mains operated or with 12v in car power supply

easy to attach

Supplied with fixings and instructions.

Free 3 year warranty

Saw this advertised in a supermarket near us £9.99 Don't know if it's any good just passing it on.

No connection with said supermarket

on sale from 1st February

Val & frank
Jan 7, 2007
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I have seen the ads for it, yes it does seem cheap compared to most gas alarms BUT it does not detect Narcotic gas, ie the type used in europe by baddies who want to rob your Van or Motorhome whilst you are knocked out/asleep in a layby etc.

Could be useful for this country though, peace of mind etc especially if you have kiddies.

Bet it sells out though.
Jul 15, 2005
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Hi Frank,

The gas detector you discovered will actually detect all flammable gases, but with differing sensitivities for the different compounds.

They work by detecting a change in the resistance of a tiny electrical filament coated in a special catalyst - this converts anything with a Carbon-Hydrogen bond into Carbon Dioxide, Water and heat - and it's the heat that causes the resistance to change.

So they will detect any petroleum hydrocarbon gas, as well as narcotic compounds like Ether - but not compounds like Nitrous Oxide that don't contain C-H

Note: they are a bit power hungry and won't run from smoke detector type batteries.

Sep 13, 2006
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We mounted it about 3 in from the floor - I think that was the rec for propane and butane.

3 in from the ceiling was the rec for methane if you want to give some one a message.

All from memory.


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