Gas prices

Aug 4, 2004
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We were very keen on switching to BP Gaslight however we have now found out that the Calor gas is much cheaper in some instances by volume and not just by a few pennies.

Size of bottle Cost per kg Saving over BP Gaslight per kg

5kg BP Gaslight £3.00

Calor 6kg Propane £2.33 £0.67

10kg BP Gaslight £2.00

Calor 13kg Propane £1.35 £0.65

Calor 19kg Propane £0.94 £1.05

Strictly speaking "kg" is the incorrect value but it is one that we all understand in the grand scheme of things. The above calculations are based on the following;

BP 5kg Gaslight refill is £14.99.

BP 10kg Gaslight refill is £19.95

Calor 6 kg refill is £13.99

Calor 13kg refill is £17.50

Calor 19kg refill is £17.99

We use the 19kg as we are on a seasonal site and a bottle lasts us several months easily. When on the move we have 2 x 6kg bottles so if we chnaged to 2 x 10kg BP Gaslight bottles then we would be saving £0.33p per kg every time we filled up. However if we used the 13kg Calor gas bottle we are better off by £0.65 per kg. We would then keep the 6kg as a back up and refill the 13kg constantly. Decisions, decision!

Perhaps there are other alternatives out there where the gas by volume is a lot cheaper after your initial outlay but is also available to refill on the continent. Any observations or suggestions?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Ian,

LPG is sold by weight, so Kg is the correct unit for comparisons, as this removes variations in volume by temperature and pressure.

Your research does suggest that the BP Gaslight refills are more expensive, than the comparable Calor prices. Whilst this may be a consideration for some, the majority of people that choose the BP systems seem to do so, mainly because of weight, and the ability to refill the bottles whilst abroad.

Currently there are only a limited number of refill points in the UK so it is not a universal solution yet.
May 21, 2007
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Anyone who sells calor is discouraged from selling bp gas as the cost to calor of replacing all the heavy gas bottles with lighter ones ( like bp litegas )would be quite high.


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