Hello Ian,
I have to urge caution in your proposed solution for the following reasons:
For many years the standard gas pressure used in Germany (and some other Eurpaen and Scandanavian Counyries) was 50mB (milliBar). This is somewhat higher than the pressures used in the UK, and the two systems are not compatible. To check, look at the gas regulator, or any of the gas appliances, and the data plates will tell you what the working pressures should be.
If they are 50mB, then to use in the UK, you would need to find a 50mB regulator or adaptor for UK bottles - such devices do exsist, check with your local Calor or gas supplier.
If you are lucky, then your caravan may have been manufactured to the new EU regulations which calls for a 30mB supply - if so it is now compatible with the the new pressures of 30mB in the UK, and UK regulators will be easily found.
Do not under any circumstances use the wrong regulator with your appliances - this is dangerous and illegal.
If you have any doubts always consult a compoent gas fitter for advice and any alterations needs to equipment or pipework.