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The CC have run sites for many years, as have many organsisations. They have not introduced the plethora legislation/rules until relatively recently, or until litigation became an issue. Is there a connection i wonder? It is indeed curious that we managed for so many years with supposedly poorer equipment without major incident. I lost count of how many gas cylinder hoses I changed, or re-connected and as for the poor campers with their Primus stoves. They all burnt themselves to death, didn't they? All that paraffin sloshing about.

As it appears we now have to be vetted by the Police before we can even take a neighbour's kids to school it is no wonder that many support organisations are deciding it is no longer worth the effort, and we all suffer.

As one pundit claimed 'who watches the watchers?'

You may feel I am a no good philanderer Hell bent on mayhem, but after 3 score years of life without major catastrophe, in some very dangerous indeed scenarios, I feel i have earned at least some right to understand what is going on.

Our recently ex Prime Minister often prattled on about 'education, education eetc. Well, that is far better than rules, rules,rules, in my mind.


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