Anseo said:
Raywood said:
A lot depends on how you are going to use the caravan. Unless you are a very heavy user or stay off grid a lot, the 6 kg ones last for a long long time, which puts us off the 15 kg which would last for ever.
If you tour in Winter or very early Spring or very late Autumn propane is the cheaper option, with Butane only needed for really cold weather.
Calor gas is the most widely available version although there are others about. The advantage of Calor is that almost all sites sell it as well as lots of other places, so you are unlikely to be stuck for more when you need it.
Sorry Ray, but I don't get your logic in "
We use two 6 kg cylinders with one in use and the second left empty until the one in use is about to run out." , or maybe it's just a typo.
And again, you would be put off by a 15kg "
which would last forever", what's wrong with that then?
Basically a 6 kg cylinder lasts us over a year as almost everything is electric unless we use one site that is 10 amps and do have to use some gas to avoid risk tripping the fuse. On that basis we would have a 15kg last several years and would be towing more weight at the hitch.
I do even wonder if I should take out the spare cylinder once we have a new one and only bring it back when replacement is on the horizon.
With only one cylinder you are faced with hoping it runs out at the right time. They usually seem to run out in late evening in the middle of cooking something in the oven and when the site shop is shut.
It is however everyone to their own and we all have to decide what suits us best. I am just covering what we find right for us and why and hopefully helping others to decide which way they want to go..