Mar 14, 2005
I have just returned from a holiday in france, were I met two differant couples who say they had been gassed and robbed while sleeping on aires. After 12 years of camping/caravaning in europe, I have never had any problems. Has anybody been gassed? Has it been reported to the police? Has anybody had it confirmed that gas was used,etc
Mar 14, 2005
This story gets an airing every year around this time. In all the years its been around, I haven't heard of anyone with FIRST hand experience of it.
Mar 14, 2005
I seem to recall that the last round of this story actually got a response from a fellow caravanner who pointed out that gas would not do what is alleged, if so the quantity would be enormous. I stand to be corrected as time has passed since this event. What the question in my opinion should be is 'Has anyone been mugged on the Aires?' I would be interested in this...
Mar 14, 2005
Same for me. Never heard of anyone say that THEY were gassed. It's usually a friend of the wife's brother-in-law's neighbour's cousin. If this is the truth, it's a first for me. It's quite difficult to get a stream of gas into a modern caravan unless the windows are open. Most vans are draught-proof nowadays. Second problem is the science of anaesthesia is very complex. To get just the right amount of gas into a caravan that will put to sleep (but not kill) adults when their size and age is unknown, is quite an art. To do it unseen and unheard and to do it quickly is even more difficult. But I suppose there is a more general point about the safety of stopping-over in a lay-by. It's not for me. I'd rather pay a couple of euros and stay on a site. Even the worst ones are better than lay-bys.
Mar 14, 2005
re last posting:- the storys I seem to hear are mainly from motorhome owners (Ive also had a motorhome for the last 4 years)stayed on aires,with no problems. I dont see how anybody fills a van up with gas, to the right amount only putting the occupants to sleep without ever blowing a van up that was using gas for the fridge.
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps the people starting these stories are the ones who sell the gas better a way of drumming up business?
Mar 14, 2005
Our caravan and Land Rover were broken in while we slept. We lost everything, cards, cash, passports. We slept through the whole thing including vehicle alarm going off. We 'slept' late with caravan door wide open! Were we gassed? We don't know, but there was certainly a reason why we didn't wake up while a thief or theives were rifling through our belongings a few feet away from us! This happened in early Oct 2004 between Tours & Poitiers on a well lit busy motorway aire. The same thing happened to 2 British men in a motor home on a neraby aire that same night except that one of them woke and disturbed two men dressed in black.


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