Generator Ettiquete

Oct 2, 2008
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Having just bought a generator to use on the odd occasion when we have no ehu what are the do's and don'ts whilst on site.

I don't want to be reading my name on here as ruining someones break.


Mar 14, 2005
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Ben, what kind of generator have you bought?

The use of generators will bring out various replaies, and some sites refuse to let them be used.

In general it is only to be used to top up a battery, so a couple of hours , not as a subsitute for not having 230v available.
Oct 2, 2008
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It is a 2 stroke job.

In general it is only to be used to top up a battery, so a couple of hours , not as a subsitute for not having 230v available.

that was the idea behind it just for emergencies to top up the battery should not really need it but thought I would ask.


Mar 14, 2005
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Ben, thanks for that info, as I said, you will get differing replies !!

As for the genny you have, I would strongly advise against using it at all, except in the case that you remove the battery from the van and charge it on its own.

It really is not worth the risk and cost to try and run the 2 stroke generator through the van systems.

They need very regular servicing and as it is unlikely to be a voltage regulated with sine wave technology unit, if it falters or starts to run out of fuel it WILL put somewhere around 290v or more into the van!! and the electronics in the van, especially your distribution box and charger unit will get damaged, probably irrepairably.
Dec 1, 2008
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Depend on generator. Some available now will cut out if the voltage falls outside normal mains supply 216 to 253 volts. Begs the question why a generator. Can be expensive to run compared with hooking the car up just to keep battery topped up if in remote location for a short spell.
Mar 15, 2008
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Wow Ian, it never occured to me that you could do that i.e. connect car and leave on tickover for a couple of hours.

I guess you only need to connect the gray lead for this?

I would not consider doing this as a matter of course but for the odd occasion it may save the day.
Jun 20, 2005
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If you must use it , make sure the nearest neighbour is 1000 yards away and you wear a gas mask. LOL.

The noise is very annoying. I have one but don't use it on site. For me I take it to the storage & plug in my battery charger( not the caravan one) if the caravan battery needs a top up.

They are crude, mine cost
Dec 1, 2008
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It may be obvious, it may be new info, some of us just trying to pose thought for alternatives. I know not every one will be able to use car electrics some may not think of it though. just trying to help happy campers.
Nov 6, 2005
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They are not the most popular item!

Went to a big caravan rally last year nr Frome and had a generator next to use which he fired up at 8 every morning so the kids could watch the big tv he had set up in the awning and so the wife could do her hair,it was a 2 stroke as well!
Mar 18, 2009
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Went to Classic lemans last year again. A truck carrying what appeared to be 100 people but probably 20 turned up. After putting up their huge awning they all went to bed.

The following day the drone of their generator was really hacking us of. We decide to pay a visit and mention the din. This we did and asked nicely if they could put the generator the other side of the truck away from us. They said they couldnt because the people the other side had got them to move it to our side. We then resumed our hacked of stance. They were not going to give in, We didnt want a fight (natural born cowards) so we resorted to sabotage during the night. They wernt caravaners just a bunch of lads out for a good time, which they had. Most of which was spent in darkness.

Anyone running a generator just ask the neigbours. At the end of the day we all want a good holiday, generators included. There is always a solution.

Happy holidays

Mar 21, 2006
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It is worth noting that some people need to keep their battery fully charged. In my case i use a c pops machine while sleeping at night to aid breathing etc. as i suffer from sleep apnea. in order to have 6 hours sleep i must use my genie every day for a few hours to recharge the battery. I find that if you explain to your neighbours the reason for usage most are understanding.


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