
Aug 10, 2009
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In todays paper Aldi's have a generator for £60, 6hr running time 650watt constant output, max output @230 volts is 850watt.

Two hp 2 stroke motor. Do any of the experts on here think it is a good buy
Apr 7, 2008
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Something like this would be a lot better Kipor IG2600

The Aldi will only give 650w constant:

Running time: 6 hours between refuelling

Max. output (@ 230V): 850W

Constant output (@ 230V): 650W

Engine: 2hp 2 stroke

Starting system: recoil

Cooling: forced air

Includes charging leads and clips
Mar 16, 2005
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Hello Stephen,

It all depends on what you want it for. I assume you are considering it for a caravan, in which case I would have concerns;

The Aldi unit will be very similar to other cheap generators. The output voltage will be dependant on the engine speed, and any sudden changes in the electrical load can cause the output voltage to spike and surge. For relatively sensitive electronic appliances that is bad news.

Two stroke engines are not particularly efficient, and you have to dose the petrol with the correct oil to ensure the engine is properly lubricated.

These engines are also quite noisy and annoying to others.

Even the unit Sproket points to, even though greater care has been taken with the noise issues, they are far from silent.

As for running costs, even the best small generators cannot achieve 10% overall efficiency of converting fuel to usable electricity (typical only 5 to 8%)By comparison, all gas appliances have to be better than 70%.

Your fridge, water heater, space heater, are all capable of running on gas. You can buy quite a lot of gas for the cost of purchasing a generator, and the additional servicing and fuel cost you would incur for the generator.

Generators do have place, but only where there is no viable alternative.

PS the Aldi type of generator is good for small power tools, or garden/site lighting.
May 15, 2007
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Hi Stephen

Before you buy a 2 stroke you have to consider what you will use it for. If its to run the television they are not recomended as they are mostly un regulated and could damage the set.They are also noisy and smell so think of the other caravans around you , you may not be too popular.
Aug 28, 2005
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i wouldnt use a generator myself ,and i have never heard one on a site , so why do people harp on about the noise , what about the noise from lawnmowers going over the same patch of grass , we stopped off at morn hill last year on our way to the Isle of wight , as we were pitching up i got really wound up with a dog continuly barking so we moved to another pitch , got pitched up then the lawn mowers moved in , i know they have to cut the grass but to go over the same area 10 times is a bit much , what about the cars doors slamming late at night , and bed slats going back and forth , not that it bothers me much ,but why single out a generator when there are lots of other noises in the background .
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Joby,

For most people the noise a generator makes is unpleasant. To have a constant buzzing going on in the back ground for hours on end builds up tension. The tension is probably exacerbated but the perception that generators are not really necessary for a caravan, so that heightens people's awareness and sensitivity towards them.

Your own response to the sound of the lawn mowers (which have similar internal combustion engines to generators) demonstrates the point. You would accept the mowers cutting once, but you believed the repeated cutting was unnecessary so the noise became an annoyance.

I could go on at some length in to the psycho-acoustics of sound and perception, but it gets very technical.
Jan 19, 2008
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I've only experienced someone using a generator once, at Black Knowl, and it's something I wouldn't want to listen to again on site. Very anti-social. Thankfully the chap moved on the next morning so there was no need for me to take the matter further.
Sep 23, 2009
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Hi stephen

This topic on genererators has cropped up several times.

Firstly I would not even contemplate wasting money on the generator you mention,two strokes are a no no,smelly, horrible & generally louder.

If you want a generator pay a bit more & buy a 4 stroke.

Most cl/cs sites have EHU but for those that dont & you need to top a battery up/charge your phone/run medical equiptment etc use your generator,but use it responsibly.

I use a generator a 4 stroke 1000 watt,we will use ours every other day for 2/3 hrs at a time usually just once & if the need arrises twice,never before 0900hrs & never after 2100hrs.

I think that some people over react to the word "generator" & immediately think the worst,in most cases they are no more intrusive to your neighbours than the neighbours sitting in awnings late at night socializing & disturbing sleep etc (we have 1st hand experience of the latter)& this has been two units away.

Some people forget that solar pannels suitable for required needs are more costly than a small generator & therefore out of their budget.

Run your space heater,hot water,fridge,cooking from gas,lights,pump etc from battery,you could get a seperate battery for the Tv & run this via an inverter.

We generally get 19/21 hrs telly from a 85Ah battery run via the inverter.

Just remember if your going to use a generator think of your neighbours & use it responsibly.

Laird Al.