Gentlemen please.......

Sep 26, 2005
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Ladies you may wish to avert your eyes from the rest of this post as it contains descriptions of a male eliminatory nature!

Gents...scroll down a bit...

Gents, how do you get on with Thetford Porta Potties and cassette toilets? Now, I'm returning to caravanning after a few years break. I used to work as a YTS slave for a caravan servicing company back in the mid 1980s, so i never really used a portapottie except once or twice when i briefly had an old van when a student. I was a big lad then and even more so now! I had difficulty getting both ends in at the same time ...if you get what i'm talking about...i wont go into to much detail 'cus i know some ladies will still be reading!! ;-)

After doing some surfing there doesn't seem to be much of a difference in bowl diameter to enable us chaps to eliminate are the rest of you fellas getting on with this? (especially the larger chaps like me!) or is this a problem particular to me? :)


Mar 14, 2005
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To put this reply in a discreetful way without offending/embaressing our lady friends, it would depend on the type of call of nature. Either stand up or sit down - bit of a potch mind but as the toilet sizes are small for the more well endowed gentleman it must be a case of one or the other - there aint a receptical big enough in a caravan to enjoy both body functions at the same time. The alternative is a shovel behind the hedge and a good solid branch to balance on - ah the good old days.
Jan 19, 2008
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To put this reply in a discreetful way without offending/embaressing our lady friends, it would depend on the type of call of nature. Either stand up or sit down - bit of a potch mind but as the toilet sizes are small for the more well endowed gentleman it must be a case of one or the other - there aint a receptical big enough in a caravan to enjoy both body functions at the same time. The alternative is a shovel behind the hedge and a good solid branch to balance on - ah the good old days.
Why bother taking a shovel when you can take the dog and blame him. When you get back tell your wife you cant pick the dogs poo up because it will make you retch then she will go and do it ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Why bother taking a shovel when you can take the dog and blame him. When you get back tell your wife you cant pick the dogs poo up because it will make you retch then she will go and do it ;O)
A fine trick from a noble peer - however, you have the facilities of you man/maid servant for such trivialities
Mar 14, 2005
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The mind boggles.

For generations men of all sizes have managed to use chamber pots the size of which is less than the portable loo.

The seat is not a lot smaller than a conventional loo as you have to sit on it.

Your flexible friend should have no problem in fitting in unless you require the services of "*** Tuck"!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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Just a thought because like all good philosophers I do my philosophing on the throne. First of all plonk your derriere onto the said appliance. Then getting a spare piece of waste pipe poke Percy into that then thread the other end of the waste pipe between your legs. Hey Presto! problem solved :O)
Mar 28, 2005
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Steve, having given your "dilemma" careful consideration, as I see it there is only one solution.

This may sound a bit drastic but have you considered a sex change?

Have fun,

Jan 19, 2008
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Just a thought because like all good philosophers I do my philosophing on the throne. First of all plonk your derriere onto the said appliance. Then getting a spare piece of waste pipe poke Percy into that then thread the other end of the waste pipe between your legs. Hey Presto! problem solved :O)
Hmmmmmm I think I'll patent that.
Mar 14, 2005
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Perhaps this could be a secondary use for the drain in the corner of the shower tray?

Sorry Mike but with the posting you have made I could not help but wander what the P.stands for in your name. Sorry no offence meant but I did have a little chuckle.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry Mike but with the posting you have made I could not help but wander what the P.stands for in your name. Sorry no offence meant but I did have a little chuckle.
Ironic. My initials are MSP. Answers on a postcard please .......
Aug 31, 2005
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To be honest (an dgetting back to the original question); one of the principal reasons why I always use the faciities on site is because I find I am too cramped using the neat (little) Thetford loo. I too am on the large side and I find it extermely hard to manoeuvre when attempting #2s; obviously #1s are no issue :) LOL LOL

Jan 19, 2008
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To be honest (an dgetting back to the original question); one of the principal reasons why I always use the faciities on site is because I find I am too cramped using the neat (little) Thetford loo. I too am on the large side and I find it extermely hard to manoeuvre when attempting #2s; obviously #1s are no issue :) LOL LOL

heyyyyyyyy I was eating my dinner when I read that.
Mar 14, 2005
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To be honest (an dgetting back to the original question); one of the principal reasons why I always use the faciities on site is because I find I am too cramped using the neat (little) Thetford loo. I too am on the large side and I find it extermely hard to manoeuvre when attempting #2s; obviously #1s are no issue :) LOL LOL

Ok, remind me again, what is #1 and #2's, I forget. Either way, unless it's an absolute emergency, only one of them gets to use our convenience.

Not still eating are you L.B?
Aug 28, 2005
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Why bother taking a shovel when you can take the dog and blame him. When you get back tell your wife you cant pick the dogs poo up because it will make you retch then she will go and do it ;O)
Lord Breakwynde

I must admit i love reading your replies to this forum ,i have had few good laughs


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