Ghosts, infiltrators etc

Nov 2, 2005
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I read a lot about the above. I understand people can get upset, and angry by some posts.

It is always difficult to protect the innocent in these cases when people get suspicious of names on the site.

I admit I had this happen to me last year. I was very upset and quite rightly to me retaliated.

I have reregistered with a different name(no I have not caused trouble which can be verified by all posting) but I am sad that I cannot be me on this site. Which is a very nice person well normally my husband may raise a hand to that statment.

Maybe it is not wise to admit this but I do not cover all the topics and really enjoy the chit chat and overseas section.

But those topics that upset you because of ghosts returning it is best to ignore them. As others like myself leave the forum.

I am happy I decided to return but am also wary of joining in to much should it happen again.
Mar 14, 2005
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i totally agree with yuou smiley this site used to be fun but its got a bit cliquey now and the majority of people on here seem to revel in the excitement of being wound up by certain folk when the sensible thing would have been to ignore them then they would have got bored and gone somewhere else. I feel rather sorry for the forum moderators who people seem to think should be on here 24/7
Jul 12, 2005
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I think it has been agreed now that these messages form trolls will be deleted as soon as they are seen. this will reduce the problem.

I disagree that the site is now cliquey as many people join in many topics. No one is turned away from a topic or attacked because they might be a troll.

Smiley, Why did you have to change your name? was you removed from the site by the Mods? if not, then why should you have to hide?

Mar 14, 2005
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Like Smiley I do not contribute to all sections of the forum as I am of the opinion that I am not knowedgeable in certain topics. However I do like to make contributions and will try to be as fair as possible when called upon. Other times I do enjoy good clean banter with Lord B, CliveV, Emmerson, Tina, etc. and can assure any person who uses this forum that I do not consider myself in any form of clique, I just go with the flow. If this has upset certain other correspondants so be it. Lutz and a few others have a far supeerior technical mind and knowledge of many areas do I give way to their superiority.
Mar 14, 2005
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Like Smiley I do not contribute to all sections of the forum as I am of the opinion that I am not knowedgeable in certain topics. However I do like to make contributions and will try to be as fair as possible when called upon. Other times I do enjoy good clean banter with Lord B, CliveV, Emmerson, Tina, etc. and can assure any person who uses this forum that I do not consider myself in any form of clique, I just go with the flow. If this has upset certain other correspondants so be it. Lutz and a few others have a far supeerior technical mind and knowledge of many areas do I give way to their superiority.
last line should be "so I give...." sorry typing finger ahead of the brain
Mar 14, 2005
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Ok,lets get this "clique" buisness out of the way first. If a group of like minded people post in a particular forum in a particular way, it does not mean that they are in a clique. Anyone is allowed to join in, if they so wish. If you manage to write something worth replying to you will get an answer. If not, it dosn't mean your not in the "clique" just that nobody has an opinion on what your saying. I for one would like more people to post in the Website and Chat forums as I think it makes entertaining reading. Some contributers answer each others posts frequently, such as Colin and LB, but that's because they have a lot in common or at least different views on the same subject. So, can we agree that there are no cliques here?

Smiley, it's a shame that you changed your name I think I may know who you were originally (but I have a terrible memory for names), unfortunatly you joined during one of the hewhocantbenamed attacks on the forum so the finger was pointed at anything and anybody. I think we have got over that now, so feel free to change back. In the end, you and the rest of us will be judged on what we post, not what name is at the top.


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