Glasgow airport attack

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Jan 19, 2008
The two detained at Glasgow do not deserve any representation in a British court of law, in my eyes they cannot be any more guilty than they already are. All any lawyer will do is try and protect their human rights and make sure they get a fair trial.

As far as I am concerned they should strap them in a car and set it on fire and phone the fire brigade and say dont rush............
Why phone the Fire Brigade Danny? Let them fry in their own juices.
Aug 29, 2006
Time will tell whether Gordon Brown has any more backbone than the last lot! I wont hold my breath but I would love to be wrong.
Jan 19, 2008
From the BBC website .......

*Those held so far include a qualified medical doctor. Police say none of the suspects is British in origin.

OMGGG I'm in shock, what a surprise. I thought it had all the signs of another Jacobite uprising ;O)

The police will be now stopping and searching cars and their religious and community leaders will be wailing how unfair it is that only muslims are being targetted.

A point that annoys me is that the media refer to them as Asians and that title covers a lot of religions and cultures who live peacefully and integrate into our society.
May 21, 2008
I agree whole heartedly with his lordship.

In short, if we go to live in any other counrty in the world we are expected to live by their rules and religious convictions. but it seems that the UK will bow to every religious or ethnic demand.

Typically last night on TV an Africano passed comment about a white man as "*****", but would he get prosecuted. Not likely.

If the comment was made in reverse context would the white man be prosecuted. More than probable.

In our home county of Herefordshire, we are over run by eastern europeans who seem to think and have the attitude that we owe them a living. They make no attempt to adopt our good manners or try to integrate with us. What they do like very much is the free handouts from our NHS and DHS systems and seem to come over here already pre-trained on their entitlement.

Perhaps if this country adopted the same super tough to get in imigration laws of say America or Austrailia and also reinstated the death penalty then terrorists might think twice. Yes Im sure that the hardened terrorist does hold the belief that to die for the cause is the highest honnor, but the rookie might still be sein enough to think of his/her life as valuable.
Jan 19, 2008
Steve, if by executing them we will be helping them on their way to Paradise and an endless supply of virgins at least they wont be around to bomb and kill again.

I will even volunteer my services, free of charge, to be the hangman.

There are still countries of the world who retain the death penalty and continue to use it, some of which are ...


Does that come as a surprise?
Aug 25, 2006
We all know which section of our `integrated community` is responsible for these attacks. Unfortunately our elected representatives dont have a single backbone between them, which is why the situation will only get worse.

As an individual i get angry and frustrated, so what can you do to fight back legally and without the fear of prosecution that our unhappy `disadvantaged` "brethren" seem immune from?

Difficult to say, but I now won`t spend a farthing in any of their shops, takeaways, filling stations etc. If I did , how would I know that I wasn`t contributing to a fund to help murder and maim my own friends and family?

No doubt there will be some that think I am being unreasonable, but is it any more unreasonable than the supposition that the `wider community` neither know about,suspect,or condone what is taknig place?
Jul 11, 2005
We all know which section of our `integrated community` is responsible for these attacks. Unfortunately our elected representatives dont have a single backbone between them, which is why the situation will only get worse.

As an individual i get angry and frustrated, so what can you do to fight back legally and without the fear of prosecution that our unhappy `disadvantaged` "brethren" seem immune from?

Difficult to say, but I now won`t spend a farthing in any of their shops, takeaways, filling stations etc. If I did , how would I know that I wasn`t contributing to a fund to help murder and maim my own friends and family?

No doubt there will be some that think I am being unreasonable, but is it any more unreasonable than the supposition that the `wider community` neither know about,suspect,or condone what is taknig place?
Perhaps we should all adopt that idea then they may move on.

Do you want to run for PM?
Aug 25, 2006
Perhaps we should all adopt that idea then they may move on.

Do you want to run for PM?
Oh, don`t get me started! (quick rendition of "When I Rule The World")

I`m already working on my manifesto!
Jan 19, 2008
Maybe people will have more faith in the muslim community when their leaders start to admit there is a problem amongst them instead of complaining about how they are being singled out and victimised.

Maybe people will have more faith in the muslim community when they are shown publicly to be policing themselves and co-operating with the police by handing over the extremists within their midst.

I don't believe for one minute that the muslim community at large know nothing about these fanatics, of course they do.
Mar 14, 2005
Unfortunately we will never have politicians to stand up to the extremists because they are to busy cosying up to them for the vote of their community
Sep 13, 2006
Their goal is to have all moslem states in an all moslem world.

I feel we should partially oblige by giving them the penalties they would get under moslem law, after all it should fit in with their beliefs.
Dec 14, 2006
What's really scary this time is that so many of them appear to be Doctors. What's going on? Have they taken on a deliberate cloak of respectability in order to get here, or have they been corrupted by some rogue member of the BMA after they arrived?

I thought thousands of our own home-grown junior doctors were not able to get jobs in the NHS and were moving to Australia, so how come we have so many here from the middle east?
Jan 2, 2006
If I heard correctly last night doctors from foreign parts can come here with very few checks and the checks that are made are done by the NHS it seems that as medical they are exempt from the normal security checks,that may explain it,and also a worry when you consider the number of muslim medics we have here now.
Dec 14, 2006
I used to work for the NHS - and that's why I worry! I gave up when the meetings I had to attend prevented me from actually working! I'm sure there's lots of meetings about what they need to do to check someone's security rating, then meetings about the paperwork to be drawn-up, the electronic systems required to record the outcomes, an audit department to check that the paperwork and electronic systems are in place, and 'robust', an external audit department to make sure the audit department is 'robust', has a suitable paperwork and electronic system to ensure that it's audits are compliant and Q.A. compliant, an external management consultant to make sure the paperwork,........... but no-one with enough time left to actually do it.
Jan 19, 2008
It concerned me when they altered the Chapel of Rest at our newish hospital so that the muslims could use it. The alterations were so that it faced Mecca.
Mar 14, 2005
Facing Mecca? Not wanting to criticise those of different faiths etc, but if I had suffered a bereavement the last thing I'd be thinking about is a game of bingo ...
Feb 26, 2007
In the paper today there is the story of all those who came to help the only policeman on the scene when the terrorists attacked Glasgow airport.This includes a taxi driver who after doing his bit.....went back to his taxi to discover a parking ticket had been issued !!!!

Whose side was the traffic warden on ???



We arrived back in Edinburgh on Sunday. Flight late and a number of passengers bumped off their seats. Luggage lost but I suppose that was the least of the problems. The authorities in their wisdom had closed the road infront of the terminal building, it is closed to us passengers anyway, but they had decided the taxi ranks had to be closed as well. These are 400 yards from the building so I cannot see the logic of that particular move, except to cause aggravation to people trying to get out. They also closed most of the exits, just what you need if you need to make an evacuation. Now the plan is for concrete blocks to be installed and the drop off point is in the short term car park, of course you will probably now need to buy a ticket.

The easy answer of course is to position a policeman at the lift up barrier to the terminal road so any would be miscreants cannot get passed, but that would not allow the airport owners to be able impose more charges and they cannot miss an opportunity like that.

The authorities are evidently starting profiling to decide whom they now stop, Maybe if they had done this during the last 10 years when they opened the borders to every wacko in the world, we would have been a little safer.

Do the words horse, stable and bolted come to mind when looking at this whole sorry affair.
Feb 26, 2007
Scotch lad,

Welcome back to Scotland.It's all happening up here now.My daughter lives in Paisley minutes from the hospital,and we are just gob-smacked as events unfold.

As you difficult it now is for passengers arriving and trying to get to the airport.They were queuing for hours at Glasgow on Sunday with no toilet facilities....nowhere for old/infirm to sit and in the pouring rain......not a good start to a holiday.




Thank you for the welcome. If I had known what was happening here I may have decided to jump the plane in Amsterdam and stayed there.

One can always rely on this Government to make a catastrophe out of a problem. Yes, probably 0.02% of the population are raving nutters so let us penalise the other 99.98% instead of rounding them all up and checking them out. If they are innocent then they have nothing to fear. Of course we dare not stop anyone wearing a full black shroud, can we??

I was amused (maybe wrong word in the circumstances) to see the newspapers reporting how statesmanlike the Government was. This is the same bunch that have 2 excuses for their actions.

1. I did not know anything about it, and if I did what could I do? my cushy job, pension and perks were at stake.

2. I did know about these things but was only following orders. Cue same second statement as in 1 above.

3. And for Gordon's particular case. It wisnae me, the other laddie done it, and anyway I wisnae there.

I think similar excuses were trotted out at Nuremberg, apart from Gordon's. If this had been the US half of this shower would be facing 25 years in Sing Sing, instead they are likely to get peerages, if they have the cash. No wonder most of the world thinks the Brits are raving lunatics.
Feb 24, 2007
Went to France and Belium yesterday on the channel tunnel , i was toally amazed at the lax security both ends of the tunnel. As you have to pass both french and english passport control both ends , only once did the english look at my passport the rest waived me through , the sheds the customs use were empty no dogs, in fact there were five customs officers just standing there laughing and joking .... does that inspire confidence in the security in the wake of whats just happened.


Why are you amazed. There is no point in checking who is coming in apart from looking to see if you have exceeded your booze quota. All the bampots (good Scots word) are already here and getting benefits.

As I think has already been mentioned, all the comments about 'let the b.......s burn' have been edited out of news broadcasts. After all in our mad PC world the poor terrorists are just misunderstood and it is our duty to give them money. At least according to Blair/Brown and his cohorts.

Ironically the first Moslem group in the UK to actually condemn this whole affair has been the Moslem groups in Scotland who describe these individuals as 'animals'. Maybe if this had happened earlier in other parts of the UK then things might not have occurred the way they did. Of course the groups up here realise that the indigenous populace are not maybe as tolerant as those down south and had a more personal interest in expressing condemnation.

However, all I can see is that by imposing all these restrictions on the general population, the terrorists have gained victory.


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