Going for a break in Winter in the Caravan

Aug 5, 2023
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We are thinking of going away this year at New Year, which also bring coldness and brrrrrr

As I’m new to the caravan world, and only just placed our deposit on a 2023 Challenger 670 SE (c/w Alde Heating)

Do you find the pipes will all freeze up in the morning and create blockages?

Any special techniques to get the water pumping through again

Nov 30, 2022
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Bring your aquaroll and pump inside IF there is going yo be that much of a frost is the easiest option.
Other than that an insulated cover for the aquaroll and a length of pipe insulation for the pump hose should see you OK
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Mar 17, 2007
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The Alde fluid won’t freeze. It is basically anti freeze. Alde should keep you toasty.
Also if it is very cold you will need fridge vent covers.
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Oct 8, 2006
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The usual blue hose from tap to Aquaroll is food grade and has a quite thick coat. When we were away early this year most mornings we woke up to no water. We had filled the kettle from the (outside) tap the night before so boiled it and poured it on the outside tap as it is/was the tap that had frozen. As soon as the tap thawed out (seconds) there was still enough water movement in the blue pipe to clear it out.
The only other issue I have had in that area is that - despite a padded coat on the Aquaroll - the short solid pipe from the blue hose to the float valve also froze. Same solution.
If you are on a formal site of course there will be water available in the block until the sun gets to work on your pitch. Always a good (Winter) idea to put the water connections and pipes etc facing the morning sun!
Nov 6, 2005
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The usual blue hose from tap to Aquaroll is food grade and has a quite thick coat. When we were away early this year most mornings we woke up to no water. We had filled the kettle from the (outside) tap the night before so boiled it and poured it on the outside tap as it is/was the tap that had frozen. As soon as the tap thawed out (seconds) there was still enough water movement in the blue pipe to clear it out.
The only other issue I have had in that area is that - despite a padded coat on the Aquaroll - the short solid pipe from the blue hose to the float valve also froze. Same solution.
If you are on a formal site of course there will be water available in the block until the sun gets to work on your pitch. Always a good (Winter) idea to put the water connections and pipes etc facing the morning sun!
In cold weather, site taps can, and do, freeze - several years ago we were away with -12C overnight but no more than -5C in the day time - it was a pain to find a tap which worked even though the caravan system was well enough insulated to avoid freezing.
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Nov 16, 2015
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We have caravanned down to minus 5 c. And it has just been the top of the Aqua roll that has frozen. You can buy covers for them but the grey insulation piping works well for the aqua roll pipe and an old Winter Anorak with the feed from the roll to the van through the sleeve is great.
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Jul 18, 2017
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We use direct water feed tot eh caravan and use pipe insualtion and have never had an issue. We also made sure that the onboard tank was full the night before and the wastemaster emptied last thing at night. No fun if that freezes up.
Aug 5, 2023
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We use direct water feed tot eh caravan and use pipe insualtion and have never had an issue. We also made sure that the onboard tank was full the night before and the wastemaster emptied last thing at night. No fun if that freezes up.
Yes the Challenger 670 SE has a 30Litre on board water tank, so the frost won't affect that tank?
Jan 20, 2023
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The one issue you MIGHT find in colder months is condensation forming inside cupboards and wardrobes so try and keep everything ventilated and check the walls inside the wardrobes, if they're wet with condensation ensure your clothes aren't touching them.
Jan 3, 2012
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We have use our caravan in the winter months some years ago we insulated the Aqua-roll with a jacket and the pipes but the site tap does freeze .also put the vent covers on the fridge


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