Good Caravan Dealer -Any Recommendations



It may also be advantageous to look for a dealer who specialises in either the van you are trading in, or more obviously the one you wish to purchase. Swopping similar makes can often get a better deal.

As also mentioned the location does matter especially if you wish to get it serviced there. There has been discussion on this Forum regarding getting a good deal and basically there are no hard and fast rules. If your van is a popular model and likely to sell on quickly then the dealer is obviously going to be more interested in giving a good trade in value. Similarly, if you take a model that he has possibly been sitting with for some time may give you an advantage. Buying brand new and awaiting delivery from the manufacturer does not give you any advantages at all, and in this case buying at a Show may give a better deal for you.

At the end of the day shop around and ask prices and details before you jump.


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