Great Caravan Modification

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Jul 14, 2008
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hi, alison, would it not be safer to change your regulator to a propane one. they cost less than a tenner, and are easy to fit. even for a GIRL!

have you never thought why the gas bottles are separate from the rest of the van?

only today we were fitting a new gas level gauge to our propane regulator, and it leaked (its fixed now)can you imagine what would happen had we had electricity, or any flame near it.

it is all health and safety, for your own sake (and those around you on site) please change to propane.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi, it was in Northern Ireland. It was very icy, never thawed the whole weekend. It was not my bottles, even though I was using butane (this was our last outing with our old Compass van). We were one of the few to have no problems. I put it down to the fact that we were not using any gas overnight as I am paranoid about leaving the gas heater on when we are in bed. Those whose bottles 'froze' up had left their fires on and using gas cools the bottle.
Hello William,

As Dustydog has pointed out Propane stops boiling off at minus 42Celsius (it happens to be virtually the same value in Fahrenheit). It would be have to seriously cold to stop Propane from boiling, Typically air temperatures of between -30 to -35C so I strongly suspect that the experience you wrote about involved butane not propane.

Propane bottles can and will develop a real frost covering when the amount of gas being taken off the bottle is very high (see roofers propane bottles) but the normal caravan usage would not cause significant amounts and the gas will still boil off
Mar 14, 2005
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I had refrained from commenting on the headline thread mainly because others have already covered the major topics. I could not believe the post was genuine. If it is genuine then as others have said it is recipe for impending disaster.



Mmmmmmmmmmmn, well I hope my wife doesn't see this post.

Is Alison blonde? ;)
Nov 23, 2008
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showed my 17 year old daughter this thread and she was astounded by the stupidity of this idea so some of us women do have common sense as stated earlier on


Nov 12, 2009
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We have no way of knowing for sure whether the person who opened this thread is male or female or if the subject is genuine or some kind of a joke.

There were mischief makers causing problems on the forum last Friday and this could simply be more of the same.
Feb 17, 2007
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Joke or not but, re-reading 'Alisons' opening line, I bet Caravan Club rallies will see a downturn in interest especially in the winter months.

Alison - if you are genuine - could you post a description of yourself,van and car . . . . SO WE CAN KEEP WELL AWAY FROM YOU!
Mar 30, 2009
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Sorry folks, this was all just a joke. I was amazed at the person who wanted to fit an electric socket in their gas locker and run a fridge in beside the gas bottles.

I didn't think anyone would take it seriously or I would not have posted it. I am sorry. Do you forgive me?
Mar 14, 2005
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Does remind me of a fellow who was asked to make one pile from two barrow loads of heavy wooden planks, one was nearly full and the other nearly empty, I kid you not he transfered the larger load onto the nearly empty barrow!!

We thought at the time he had one reasonable defence but nowadays it would not be PC to consider his nationality?!

Anyway, the reason this reminds me and despite all the obvious pitfalls of such folly, it does beg the question, why is the heater being used to heat the bottle? why not simply use the heater to heat the van????
Jul 25, 2007
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I am glad to see that this was just a spoof, but I have to admit I can imagine a few women I know doing this sort of thing!

Back to the winter rally I mentioned. Yes I was very surprised when a couple of the other vans propane bottles stopped gasing. I can only assume that as it was about -10 degrees C that they were draining the gas very quickly over a sustained period running their heaters and managed to cool the bottles to -40 odd.

That was the last time we used our old caravan that had only a gas heater and it was it being so uncomfortable that lead me to decide we needed to get a new caravan to get the new fangled dual electric/gas heating so that the heater could be left on all night in cold weather.
Jul 15, 2008
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Sorry folks, this was all just a joke.

Then post it on the Chit-Chat Forum.

This is the Technical Forum, you do not know who is reading your post..... get help!
Jul 25, 2007
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Gaffer calm down! I dare say she posted in technical because for the joke to work she needed some ejits to fall for it. Sadly while many saw through it straight away, others did take it seriously and now feel aggrieved. She has apologized so lets just leave it at that and have no mud slinging.


Nov 12, 2009
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Well that went with a bang didn't it lol?

I thought that this bit was a particularly good touch :

'It is perfectly safe as it has a mesh front to stop the gas bottle touching the glowing bars.'

Well executed Alison but better in Chit Chat next time eh? :0)
Mar 30, 2009
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"Well that went with a bang didn't it lol?

I thought that this bit was a particularly good touch :

'It is perfectly safe as it has a mesh front to stop the gas bottle touching the glowing bars.'

Well executed Alison but better in Chit Chat next time eh? :0)"

Yes I must admit I liked that bit as well. Was disappointed that no one commented on how dangerous it would be to use an electric balnket to stop your aquaroll freezing.

Almost as dangerous as the suggestion recently published in a certain caravan magazine that you could use a tropical fish tank heater to keep your water container from freezing.


course we forgive you just bend your head closer to my PC
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello William,

I am sure that the incident you refer to has more to it than simply a temperature of -10C. Under normal operating conditions I find it inconceivable for a 3.9Kg bottle of propane to stop gassing with the hater load and an outside temp of only -10C.

Calor state that the 3.9Kg bottle of Propane has a sustained take of rate of 7.5kW, that is greater by a factor of two time greater than the maximum gas consumption of the typical 3.6kW heaters available from Truma and Carver.

Given that information, if a propane bottle did stop supplying gas, it must be due to extraordinary circumstances.
Nov 29, 2007
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Does remind me of a fellow who was asked to make one pile from two barrow loads of heavy wooden planks, one was nearly full and the other nearly empty, I kid you not he transfered the larger load onto the nearly empty barrow!!

We thought at the time he had one reasonable defence but nowadays it would not be PC to consider his nationality?!

Anyway, the reason this reminds me and despite all the obvious pitfalls of such folly, it does beg the question, why is the heater being used to heat the bottle? why not simply use the heater to heat the van????
Yeh, well there was more room in the nearly empty barrow. Obvious init?


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