Mar 14, 2005
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See they have been at it again - this time they have climbed over a plane at Heathrow and tied banners to the tail. What do these people want? they seem to be very anti any form of progress and the establishment. They have in the past objected to wind power, tidal poswer, neuclear power, coal/gas fired power stations, petrol/diesel transport etc. What is left to provide modern day society power and transport?
Sep 16, 2006
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Makes me laught to myself about hear about people like Greenpeace, I always wonder if we had no fuels etc how would they get around to protest? its takes a long time to walk, cycle or swim somewhere compared to using the car, plane or a boat.
Feb 25, 2008
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I think on many issues they have a piont, but some of their methods seem to go a little too far.

They need a new PR team.
Greenpeace have always been "cavalier" about facts, long on emotion , and short on science. The fact is, too many of them rely for their livelihood on money donated by a gullible public. It is taxpayers who through generous social security payments fund the so-called activists. The ones higher up the chain of command probably enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle jetting around the world staying in first class hotels attending so called "essential" conferences and seminars to discuss whatever is fashionable at that moment.
Aug 25, 2006
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It`s not just Greenpeace, its the tree huggers in general.

They aren`t just anti-progress, they seem to be anti-anything, except when it affects them.

Many years ago i was asked to give a talk at a secondary school about "waste" (I`ve been in waste management for far too long....), and the teacher was a typical lefty in so much as she (had to be "she" really) wanted to make a point about how "I" was destroying the environment.

Fortunately the early teens in the class were a little more receptive when I explained we don`t generate any waste, only deal with other peoples, and without consumers demands there would be little need for all these `nasty`, `toxic` (I love that one, it always shows you`re dealing with a fool) chemicals.

I started by asking `Miss` how she got to school. If she didn`t walk, she was part of the problem, as her chemicals were necessary for her car, bike, bus, whatever. Then to get personal, her shoes? Did they contain plastic? If so, take them off. Are they leather? If so, take them off (tanning is not a nice process, and the chrome used is highly dangerous).

Next, tights.

Unlikely to be silk, so made from nylon. Nasty synthetic chemically stuff, as is the synthetic rubber used in knicker elastic..................

You can probably see where I was going, the teacher was bright red and made to look like the fool she was, the kids were in uproar.

If they all want to live in caves and wear sackcloth and ashes then fine.

If they don`t they should get real. You can`t un-invent stuff, and there wouldn`t be many refusing the latest drugs for their partners and kids if it would save their lives.

Bloody hypocrites.
Jan 30, 2008
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It`s not just Greenpeace, its the tree huggers in general.

They aren`t just anti-progress, they seem to be anti-anything, except when it affects them.

Many years ago i was asked to give a talk at a secondary school about "waste" (I`ve been in waste management for far too long....), and the teacher was a typical lefty in so much as she (had to be "she" really) wanted to make a point about how "I" was destroying the environment.

Fortunately the early teens in the class were a little more receptive when I explained we don`t generate any waste, only deal with other peoples, and without consumers demands there would be little need for all these `nasty`, `toxic` (I love that one, it always shows you`re dealing with a fool) chemicals.

I started by asking `Miss` how she got to school. If she didn`t walk, she was part of the problem, as her chemicals were necessary for her car, bike, bus, whatever. Then to get personal, her shoes? Did they contain plastic? If so, take them off. Are they leather? If so, take them off (tanning is not a nice process, and the chrome used is highly dangerous).

Next, tights.

Unlikely to be silk, so made from nylon. Nasty synthetic chemically stuff, as is the synthetic rubber used in knicker elastic..................

You can probably see where I was going, the teacher was bright red and made to look like the fool she was, the kids were in uproar.

If they all want to live in caves and wear sackcloth and ashes then fine.

If they don`t they should get real. You can`t un-invent stuff, and there wouldn`t be many refusing the latest drugs for their partners and kids if it would save their lives.

Bloody hypocrites.
Angus, well said that man !!!


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