Paul wrote:
hear hear, my friend. The lunatics are well and truly running the asylum. Brown & his 2nd rate Cabinet should hang their respective heads in shame.⇦br/>
Ah, I don't think that you have properly understood the game that they are engaged in. The unelected Mr Brown and his coterie of admirers cannot possibly be expected to feel shame' - which is, after all, a completely alien concept to them.
Neither are they 'lunatics' - far from it. They are highly intelligent men and women who are busily implementing a plan.
It's not *their* plan - but they believe in the aims of the plan, and have also enough sense to see that their future welfare and prosperity lies in the plan's success.
It's, actually, a very old plan, one so bold, so audacious, and so breathtakingly huge in it's scope that it has had to implemented in stages over a long time frame.
No-one really knows what was actually said at the initial meeting of the planners (or, more properly, 'plotters') but the problem they had to overcome was plain enough. 'How' does one destroy an ancient nation with a unparalleled history of military prowess and staunch determination?
'How' can that nation be stripped of its power?, 'how' can it be humbled and blinded like Sampson of old, and them tied to a grindstone like a brute beast?
Not by military conquest. That had been tried repeatedly, but the stubborn proud nature of the nation's inhabitants had continuously yielded them victory against often startlingly overwhelming odds. No amount of spilled blood appeared to be sufficient to dismay the stalwart hearts of that defiant nation.
Indeed, far from being crushed, the hated nation increased inexorably in power and wealth - finally building for itself the mightiest empire that this world has ever seen. They spread the influenced and values across the entire globe, their laws, language, and customs became pre-eminent, their prestige became unparceled.
All in all, most definitely *not* what the plotters wanted!
So, it was time for a radical re-think, time to dismiss thoughts of putting that troublesome nation to the sword, and think of new ways to accomplish its destruction.
The solution? - well, pretty simple really. If the nation could not be destroyed from without, then it must be destroyed from within.
Easier said than done, of course - but with time and effort the plotters obviously felt confident of success (and it must be said that they have proved to be extremely adept at their task)
It would take far too long to detail every facet of the plan - but, broadly speaking, it had several key elements.
Christianity had to be overthrown - that was a pre-requisite! Christianity had played a huge role in building a national morality and identity, it seeped into the minds of children from infancy, sowing seeds of decency and good conduct that later blossomed into a stable ordered society united by a common purpose. In short, it simply had to go!
So, root it out in the schools, deride it, undermine it whenever and wherever possible, by every means possible.
Then foment discord and rebellion - harness the questioning nature of youth to slowly start to tear down the social fabric. Repeal laws forbidding sexual perversion, pass new laws permitting the mass slaughter of the unborn. Discourage marriage, encourage adultery and promiscuity. Encourage comedians and actors, poets and authors, singers and film-makers to revile everything 'normal', everything 'decent', everything 'wholesome' Pay them handsomely to mock and to ridicule the culture that nurtured them.
Very importantly, destroy the power to think and reason, provided endless TV to dull the mind and inculcate a supine acceptance of what is taking place, Gradually reduce the intelligence quotient of programmes to the point where a studio audience will bray their approval of a mongrel excreting, or anything else that they are cued to applaud.
Circulate narcotics - particularly among the younger citizens. Bring down the price of alcohol and encourage drunken oblivion as the plan unfolds.
But more is still required! To really destroy the nation, begin mass immigration. Slowly, at first. Then more, and more, and more - until millions flood in. This will, inevitably, fundamentally change the nation beyond revocation. It will put an end to the national unity and sense of common purpose that has proved such an insurmountable obstacle to destroying the nation in the past.
Let there be a hundred languages, a hundred faiths, a hundred cultures, a hundred Gods - create a vast melting pot wherein national identity can be irredeemably lost.
Make those who object subject to draconian laws and punishments. Imprison them if they complain - use the bought-and-paid-for politicians, journalists and broadcasters to vilify every though of nationalism and laud every facet of multiculturalism.
Heap a burden of guilt upon the nation for its former Empire - teach every indigenous child that *their* culture is one of slavery and repression, declaim every national festival, and promote every alien celebration...
Well, you get the picture?
That's what's been going on now for the last 50 years. It sounds a long time - but, in reality, half a century to destroy Britain is very fast work indeed.
It is probably fair to say that Britain no longer exists, either as a national or legal entity. Our culture is dissipated and our laws are now subject to a foreign 'parliament'. We have, in fact, ceased to exist - we are an ex-nation.
The only question to be resolved is *who* in power is going to receive *what* reward from our new European masters when the final link of our chains has been hammered into place.
Do you think that any of the Thespians hamming it up in Westminster actually believe the rubbish they spout?!! Don't be fooled - they know the final destination of the gravy train and they have all betrayed this country in order to secure themselves first class seats in the dining car.
So don't expect 'shame'! - it's an absurd a notion as a shark turning around and apologising for biting your leg off!
As for the Ghurkas - they are far too loyal and retain far too many old virtues to have any place within the European Province of Great Britain. Best to keep them out in case they stir any consciences and awaken any faded echo of pride. Besides, there are tens of thousands of Albanians who need the money to settle into their new lives here - it must not be wasted on anachronisms like Ghurkas