Has anyone used homebrew sterilising fluid to clean caravan water pipes as some are non rinse

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Nov 6, 2005
Although I seem to recall that on earlier caravans sterilising fluids like Milton were ok’d in the Owners Manual. Or is my memory fading? When Puricleans came along I changed to using it.

In 2010 the CC (CMHC) were advising go by Truma/Carver recommendations with one of the advised fluids as Milton2. Now the CMHC are far more general with no chemicals mentioned. it is not 'outsmarting " the makers but a recognition that things change over time and not everyone moves at the same speed.
I think Puriclean was out long before Milton - we used Puriclean in the mid-80s for our first caravan.
Nov 11, 2009
I confirm, we also used Milton in Nappy buckets in 1968. The smell still haunts me.

What memories! Cotton nappies in the bucket, washed in a Baby Burco boiler, dried in a Flatley electric drier if we could afford the electric. Otherwise hung on a clothes line, then if necessary on a clothes horse in front of a twin burner Valor paraffin stove. How my wife did it amazes me 😂
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Jan 31, 2018
Brewers cleaner can be bleach based or acid based. So it depends which brand you go for. Acid based are safer on as but what they do to the rest of the system????
Jul 18, 2017
What memories! Cotton nappies in the bucket, washed in a Baby Burco boiler, dried in a Flatley electric drier if we could afford the electric. Otherwise hung on a clothes line, then if necessary on a clothes horse in front of a twin burner Valor paraffin stove. How my wife did it amazes me 😂
I don't think we had those throw away nappies back in the eigties or they were too expensive. We used proper nappies and had a cupboard full of them. LOL!


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