Have you had yours done? What's yours?

Nov 2, 2005
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Hi All

Had my blood test results back after being scared out of my wits ny them. I was really worried about my cholestral level as I know I eat more bad things now than 20 years ago!!

Cholestral level 4.2 not bad but,

ldl 0.9 ooooopsy

hdl 2.4 ooooopsy

so not out of the woods yet!! Have to seriously start walking, loose weight.
Jan 21, 2014
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I'm probably going to get shot down for this, but here goes!

I have been fortunate enough not to have had the need to see my Dr for some time, however, the last time, I had barely got in the door, when I was asked to have a total overhaul, bloods, blood pressure the full works.

Now, I know I could do with loosing a bit of weight - they don't need to tell me that, but the medical professionals appear to have tunnel vision, we must all be the same size, height, eat the same food, no drinking and certainly no smoking, and if you don't fit into the ideal package, then tests here we come!!

Needless to say, I politely told the Dr that it was not what I wanted to see him about, and if I had any problems I would let the surgery know! I consider myself to lead a fairly healthy lifestyle, eat a well balanced diet, and drink within the guidelines. Had I have been a different person, then maybe I could have been cajouled into having tests that may not be necessary, and aren't telling me something I already know - I need to loose weight!!

Just my opinion!!
Feb 16, 2009
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Wendy you may think this is daft but the Doctor gets more money for the tests he is advocating, l did the same went for a bad chest ended up having the full Monty won't go into what he prescribed but now costs me
Jan 21, 2014
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I'm not at all suprised that Drs get paid extra for all these tests, and yes, we should put our faith in our Dr, but where do you draw the line?

If I or a member of my family were worried about some aspect of their health, then I am all for every test under sun! But when you see the Dr for an ingrown toe nail, he then looks at your notes, and you haven't been to the surgery for two or three years, he then wants to organise all these tests, and in the meantime, you feel perfectly fine, fit as a fiddle - oh Mrs X we would like to do some tests - erm, no!! LOL
Apr 16, 2008
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I'm probably going to get shot down for this, but here goes!

I have been fortunate enough not to have had the need to see my Dr for some time, however, the last time, I had barely got in the door, when I was asked to have a total overhaul, bloods, blood pressure the full works.

Now, I know I could do with loosing a bit of weight - they don't need to tell me that, but the medical professionals appear to have tunnel vision, we must all be the same size, height, eat the same food, no drinking and certainly no smoking, and if you don't fit into the ideal package, then tests here we come!!

Needless to say, I politely told the Dr that it was not what I wanted to see him about, and if I had any problems I would let the surgery know! I consider myself to lead a fairly healthy lifestyle, eat a well balanced diet, and drink within the guidelines. Had I have been a different person, then maybe I could have been cajouled into having tests that may not be necessary, and aren't telling me something I already know - I need to loose weight!!

Just my opinion!!
Well done Wendy!
Dec 14, 2006
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Doctors are also 'targetted' on the number of people they prescribe Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs)for! That's after they've met their target of 'cholesterol tests', 'blood pressure check ups', flu vaccinations, etc.
Aug 28, 2005
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80/% of Cholesterol is produced by your own body , you can have high readings whether you are obese or thin , some people dont realise they heve it like the actor Richard Beckinsale who died at the age of 31 ,another celebrity who has take pills for it Bear grilse the ex SAS survival expert on TV ,so for some even if they did not eat any cholesterol at all ,they would still have a high reading like i have
Aug 28, 2005
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80/% of Cholesterol is produced by your own body , you can have high readings whether you are obese or thin , some people dont realise they heve it like the actor Richard Beckinsale who died at the age of 31 ,another celebrity who has take pills for it Bear grilse the ex SAS survival expert on TV ,so for some even if they did not eat any cholesterol at all ,they would still have a high reading like i have
sorry i spelt his name wrong , its Bear Grylls , adventurer ,and tv presenter also the youngest to climb mount Everest


May 25, 2009
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My wife was damaged when she was being born. Nobody noticed for three days. That was pre-NHS, so private clinic.

I told my doctor that I fell over and started to develop severe head-aches the following day. He took my blood pressure, said it was high, prescribed some tablets. It was another two months before another doctor started to pay attention to what I was saying, and sent me for a scan. Subdural Haematoma. That was NHS.

My son hurt himself playing football. Doctor said "People don't walk in here with broken legs. Take Paracetamol! And that will be $90! (Australian)". Does any body want to see the Xray of the two titaniun pins in his tibia?

If you find a good doctor, hang onto him/her. If you have a mediocre doctor ....... well he/she is all you've got, so don't upset him.

Nov 2, 2005
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The thing about blood test is they can find if anythings wrong with that can not be seen or felt..

I personally have never bothered about cholestrol, I remember 20 years ago when they offered the tests, mine level then was 3.5.

but, I for one am glad its been done as I now know I am a target for heart attack or stroke. My mother had heart attacks and died from a stoke.

So now being 4.2 is good. But as Joby says your body produces as well. Not many people know there are 2 cholestrols.

Low dentisty lipoprotein should have a high mumber and high should be as low as possible. this is because the high density is very bad it is the hard fat building up inside you which will give you both outcomes.

My doctor is not precribing any drugs as she beleives a change of life style for the good. So I will be monitored.
Jan 21, 2014
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hmmm, interesting posts here. looks to me that most of ye are now in lifes departure lounge, waiting on the call.
Erm, didn't I read on the forum you've just celebrated your 50th - so you're not that much younger, than me anyway!!! LOL ;O)


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