Hi Judy
We had a good weekend and the weather was on our side, pitches on the touring field had not been changed, except for one pitch which was behind the toliet block, this has now gone and made way for a new road into the touring field.
Showcase room was very nice. They have moved the bar, children's shop and the toilets. The children's shop is over were the gents toilets were, and the bar is up on a balconoy on your right-hand side as you walk through the door. The toilets are also up there now for both men and women. They have replaced all the tables with round tables and put in new chairs.
The bar down stairs is closed, not sure if they are going to reopen it. Carpark very dusty and large building containers still on site.
Outside pool area also dusty, where they had extended the showbar for the bar area. They have put up two large canopies outside over the pool doors on to the terrace and put out new table and chairs. They have also put about 5 sofas and about 6 chairs inside where you can view the indoor pool.
Outside they have put up a new large tennis Court.
When it is all complete it will be very nice, I still think they should have let people now that there is only one bar and there is still work going on at the site, before people book.
Hope you have a good time, how long are you going for?