Headlight beam deflectors for France

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Nov 6, 2006

Yet another typical French fudge.[/quote]

Why single out the French? Don't politicians the world over "fudge" matters to suit their own ends?[/quote]

Don't get me wrong. I love France and been going for very many years. But they are pretty good at fudges. Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it. The first timer can be forgiven when checking all those road numbers on the AutoRoute...and the N roads on the map that are D roads on your satnav.

Oh, and then there was the fiasco of the vehicle speed limit roundels to be put on the back of the van. When I first went they were compulsory, then not. Then they came back again, only you couldn't get them, so the gendarmes didn't enforce it, and AFAIK its like the breathalyser, still on the books but not enforced (unless anyone knows better?)
Nov 16, 2015
Yes lots of strange rules, towing speeds, If your car has a train limit above 3.5 tonnes then you are restricted to 90 kph. Even if you are below 3.5 tonnes. But how many caravans stick to that. A mini towing an Eriba, ok at 130 kph. !!!!!
Feb 3, 2008
chrisn7 said:
.Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it.

We updated the map on our Tom Tom last month and are now plagued with an E number. :evil: Every time the display shows, or the voice states, it the M4 in South Wales has now become M4/E30. It will be interesting to see next week if the M4 in England has also become the E30 when we go to Norfolk.

Damned Eu interfering again.
Oct 12, 2013
EH52ARH said:
Good point Craig, Other way round , Blind down causes Glare, I saw a good thread about that, travelling with blind down causing "Glare".

Yup , that's what I meant !!! :whistle:
Aug 11, 2010
WoodlandsCamper said:
chrisn7 said:
.Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it.

We updated the map on our Tom Tom last month and are now plagued with an E number. :evil: Every time the display shows, or the voice states, it the M4 in South Wales has now become M4/E30. It will be interesting to see next week if the M4 in England has also become the E30 when we go to Norfolk

Damned Eu interfering again.
prior to sat navs 20 odd years back i found the E numbers to be brilliant . today i leave Dunkirk and head to Brussels, i need to use the A16 then the A18 then the A10 ! although if i follow the E40 signs i only have to remember one motorway number and not 3 .. from Brussels i use the E411 and then the E25 to get me half way through Switzerland. although i could also follow the A4..A6..A3. another A4...A35 .. A2 numbering in the various countries i pass by..ummm you're right dam EU interfering makes my routes so much easier to follow..
Aug 11, 2010
WoodlandsCamper said:
chrisn7 said:
.Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it.

We updated the map on our Tom Tom last month and are now plagued with an E number. :evil: Every time the display shows, or the voice states, it the M4 in South Wales has now become M4/E30. It will be interesting to see next week if the M4 in England has also become the E30 when we go to Norfolk.

Damned Eu interfering again.
oh and PS the E numbering systems had nothing to do with the EU..
Oct 8, 2006
JonnyG said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
chrisn7 said:
.Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it.

We updated the map on our Tom Tom last month and are now plagued with an E number. :evil: Every time the display shows, or the voice states, it the M4 in South Wales has now become M4/E30. It will be interesting to see next week if the M4 in England has also become the E30 when we go to Norfolk

Damned Eu interfering again.
prior to sat navs 20 odd years back i found the E numbers to be brilliant . today i leave Dunkirk and head to Brussels, i need to use the A16 then the A18 then the A10 ! although if i follow the E40 signs i only have to remember one motorway number and not 3 .. from Brussels i use the E411 and then the E25 to get me half way through Switzerland. although i could also follow the A4..A6..A3. another A4...A35 .. A2 numbering in the various countries i pass by..ummm you're right dam EU interfering makes my routes so much easier to follow..

No, the point is that we have a well defined road numbering system in the UK and every A and B road direction sign shows that road number. Much of the continent - notably France, Benelux, and Germany, rarely show any road numbers other then those on motorways and motorway exits - thereafter they cease to exist, apparently.

When E numbers came in they were applied across the whole of Europe including the UK, but as we already had a well understood road numbering system HMG didn't consider it necessary to spend heaven knows how much adding the E numbers to every sign.

France is a particular problem as each Department has its own road numbering system. Thus if you are on the D11 and you cross the border into the next area you might find you are on the D24 as their D11 is 50 miles away on the other side of the area. It does not help that the national government seem to have handed road numbering over to the locals, so now even main through routes - including the original RN or Route Nationals - have now become D roads albeit numbered above about 600 in the main. Hence the E system there can be very helpful - if it has been added when the RN numbers were changed to D!!
Aug 11, 2010
Woodentop said:
JonnyG said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
chrisn7 said:
.Some years ago there was a plan to re-number all the roads with E numbers - only some of the Departments did it and others never got round to it.

We updated the map on our Tom Tom last month and are now plagued with an E number. :evil: Every time the display shows, or the voice states, it the M4 in South Wales has now become M4/E30. It will be interesting to see next week if the M4 in England has also become the E30 when we go to Norfolk

Damned Eu interfering again.
prior to sat navs 20 odd years back i found the E numbers to be brilliant . today i leave Dunkirk and head to Brussels, i need to use the A16 then the A18 then the A10 ! although if i follow the E40 signs i only have to remember one motorway number and not 3 .. from Brussels i use the E411 and then the E25 to get me half way through Switzerland. although i could also follow the A4..A6..A3. another A4...A35 .. A2 numbering in the various countries i pass by..ummm you're right dam EU interfering makes my routes so much easier to follow..

No, the point is that we have a well defined road numbering system in the UK and every A and B road direction sign shows that road number. Much of the continent - notably France, Benelux, and Germany, rarely show any road numbers other then those on motorways and motorway exits - thereafter they cease to exist, apparently.

When E numbers came in they were applied across the whole of Europe including the UK, but as we already had a well understood road numbering system HMG didn't consider it necessary to spend heaven knows how much adding the E numbers to every sign.

France is a particular problem as each Department has its own road numbering system. Thus if you are on the D11 and you cross the border into the next area you might find you are on the D24 as their D11 is 50 miles away on the other side of the area. It does not help that the national government seem to have handed road numbering over to the locals, so now even main through routes - including the original RN or Route Nationals - have now become D roads albeit numbered above about 600 in the main. Hence the E system there can be very helpful - if it has been added when the RN numbers were changed to D!!
i believe my point was two fold .the E numbering system isn't a EU thing. and the ease of use to could have...... its not like our system is perfect. A roads disappear and reappear all over the UK same stretch of road can actually be sign posted as two roads or worse they move a rename a stretch of A road... A50 springs to mind it use to run from Northampton through Leicester up to to Burton upon Trent onward to stoke and beyond. now Northampton to Burton section is called the A511 and the A50 seems to have moved up the road. and starts at junction 24 of the M1 where 20 miles later the A511 joins the new A50 to carry on,on the old A50 route toward stoke.. oh and i haven't as yet had any problems driving in Belgium Germany or France with regards "lack of road signs off the m/way" i'm sure they properly exist somewhere belvoir valley springs to mind....
May 28, 2016
Thanks everyone. Think I will go and buy some stick on beam deflectors tomorrow and stick them on before I go.
Nov 16, 2015
Geppeto, you get the motorway tags from Saneff tolling and not the Caravan Club, Saneff Tolling are very quick, and are really great if your using the paeges.
Just hope the fuel problem gets resolved soon.
May 28, 2016
Just ordered my toll tag from Saneff. Went through the Caravan Club by clicking on the link which takes you to the Saneff website. You save the 10 Euros subscription by going via the Caravan Club and Saneff post it to you free within two days.
Nov 16, 2015
Remember not to go through the gates with the height restrictions, with the caravan on the back. I have seen two Dutch vans with there TV aerials ripped off.
Jul 11, 2015
E numbers are food additives.

Wasn't it Hitler that devised the road numbers for the autobahns as they now are, or tank tracks in his scheme of things :evil:

The UK road numbering system is based on a clock. Starting in London as the centre, each quadrant from 12to3, 3to6, 6to9 and 9to12 the primary road be it A or M is 1 in 12to3, 2 in 3to6, 3 in 6to9 and 4 in 9to12. The first road intersection off of the primary has the second digit i.e. A1 joins A10, 11, 12 etc, then the first off A10 becomes A101 and on. That way you can always figure out where you are. Thats why it's important for kids to learn to count and tell the time. Easier to read the roads than explain it :p :p

I just push the buttons on the steering wheel to alter my headlights for UK or continental driving. Technology moves on. :p :p
Oct 8, 2006
KeefySher said:
E numbers are food additives.

Wasn't it Hitler that devised the road numbers for the autobahns as they now are, or tank tracks in his scheme of things :evil:

The UK road numbering system is based on a clock. Starting in London as the centre, each quadrant from 12to3, 3to6, 6to9 and 9to12 the primary road be it A or M is 1 in 12to3, 2 in 3to6, 3 in 6to9 and 4 in 9to12. The first road intersection off of the primary has the second digit i.e. A1 joins A10, 11, 12 etc, then the first off A10 becomes A101 and on. That way you can always figure out where you are. Thats why it's important for kids to learn to count and tell the time. Easier to read the roads than explain it :p :p

I just push the buttons on the steering wheel to alter my headlights for UK or continental driving. Technology moves on. :p :p

There are six radials from Charing Cross (where supposedly they all start,) 1 to Edinburgh, 2 to Dover, 3 to Portsmouth, 4 to Swansea, 5 to Holyhead and 6 to Carlisle. All roads clockwise from that radial start with the relative radial number as you correctly say - except that some dunderhead in the DoT decided years ago to screw it up.
The A604 went from Suffolk somewhere to Kettering or thereabouts. The A14 went from somewhere in Hertfordshire to Huntingdon. The A45 went from Harwich or thereabouts to Brimingham.
Now the A14 goes from Felixstowe to the M1 at the M6 junction swallowing parts of the A45 and the A604 in the process. What was the A45 west of Cambridge is now the A428 to St Neots, then becomes the B645 to Higham Ferrers where it joins the now redirected A45. What was the A14 is now the A1198.
The A14 routing would seem logical as the end is clockwise of the A1, except that they then added junction numbers that start at the western end.
You couldn't make it up!
May 21, 2016
I would recomend the SANEF toll tag against the APRR, the later being less than ideal to deal with and quite often idispute payments.
May 28, 2016
Update - I used the Sanef toll tags during our holiday in France. It worked perfectly and took all the stress out of paying for tolls. Would definitely recommend them.
Nov 16, 2015
Getting back to the question, my Sante Fe has the lights that have a flat beam. But have been flashed if I forget to move them to "Low beam" . Unless your French Dutch German, language skills are very good, to talk your way out of why you do not have, the change , from the police, then I just fit, gaffer tape where you would fit the £5.99 Beam flectors. .
Mar 14, 2005
Two comments. If the French police think the same as the Spanish you need one hi-vis for each seatbelt in the vehicle, including auxiliary seats in the back as the concept is that since you have that many seats you may carry that many people. But of course you wouldn't carry more than had seats with seat belts would you ?

When you have a SANEF tag it is limited to Class 2 (and thus I think may not cover TA caravans) but it means you can use the HGV lanes but not get charged as one. These are usually on the extreme right hand side of the toll gate area and quite often have a 30 sign above them which means that if you approach at 30 km/h or less the gate will open before you get there and you don't have to stop at all. These lanes are wider than the normal car lanes and so much easier to tow through.

You do pay an extra fixed fee for the first two months in any 12 you use the tag - it was 5 euro/month in previous years, but well worth it.
May 7, 2012
EH52ARH said:
Getting back to the question, my Sante Fe has the lights that have a flat beam. But have been flashed if I forget to move them to "Low beam" . Unless your French Dutch German, language skills are very good, to talk your way out of why you do not have, the change , from the police, then I just fit, gaffer tape where you would fit the £5.99 Beam flectors. .

Given the cost at £5.99 I just find it simpler to fit these so there can be no dispute.
Jun 2, 2017
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