Heaters in Caravans

Oct 3, 2005
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As i am going to use my van a few more weeks yet and the days are gettibg chilly,i was just wondering apart the caravan gas heater what other heaters people use ie Fan heater or a convecter heater or these halogen heaters,was wondering what was best to use,


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Eddie

I carry a 2KW fan heater which heats the van up very quickly. It also has a setting for 1KW and an option as a cooler. They're fine. Only downside is I find them to be quite noisy.

I use a halogen heater in the awning for the dogs when they are in their crates. I site the halogen heater in a suitable place, and adhere to safety issues etc. I like the halogen heaters because if you knock them slightly or knock them over, they will automatically switch off. Only downside with a halogen is they are so bright, if sited opposite, they blind you!

Fan heaters circulate the heat around an enclosed area nicely, although they take a while to do that. I find that halogen heaters are better for directional heat in an awning for instance, but they will heat up a van nicely too. My halogen oscillates.

You need to bear in mind that both the fan and halogen heaters will draw quite a bit of electricity if used on the full settings.

Aug 12, 2005
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Hi Eddie

Our van doesn't have gas heating at all so we use a 1-2 KW fan heater but rarely need to use the 2KW setting even in Braemar over the winter. We also have a 500watt convector heater with a frost setting which we leave on overnight in winter. It just switches itself on and off as the temperature varies and saves waking up to a very cold morning. We had it in our first van and moved when we changed vans. I think we got it from B&Q.



Instead of a halogen heater (you're right, they ARE so bright) consider a Quartz heater. (Not as bright) We bought a 400/800 watt quartz heater for just
May 22, 2006
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hi eddie,

we have been caravanning in all weathers and to be honest have found that the heaters within the van we have as perfectly adequate. We went away in febuary this year, arrived at site with 6 inches of snow there and woke up to another 8 inches. Admitidly when we first set the van up it took a while to warm up but after that we were sat with rosey red cheeks or maybe that was the alcohol , lol. ne way hope ne of this helps?
Apr 5, 2005
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hi eddie,

we have been caravanning in all weathers and to be honest have found that the heaters within the van we have as perfectly adequate. We went away in febuary this year, arrived at site with 6 inches of snow there and woke up to another 8 inches. Admitidly when we first set the van up it took a while to warm up but after that we were sat with rosey red cheeks or maybe that was the alcohol , lol. ne way hope ne of this helps?
Love it well done mate...
Mar 14, 2005
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We have alde heating in our van and keeps us tosty warm in the coldest of weather. Unlike blown air heating when it gets to temperature it doesn't carry on blowing cold air around the van. Also no fires to burn the kids on, just radiators like at home and even a towel rail in the bathroom.
Oct 14, 2005
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We bought a 1kw oil filled radiator from B&Q and it works a treat, we leave it on all night turned down low and it keeps the van a nice comfortable temperature. No noise and no orange glows either.


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