Hello! complete novice hoping to learn a lot!

Aug 1, 2018
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Hello everyone!
I am a complete caravan novice and hope to find some useful info here! I have just bought an old caravan, its a Swift Corniche 14/4 whatever that means and I was told it was made in 1996. I have adapted it inside for my disabled husband, no problem there and it had a service just before I bought it. We will almost certainly never use this not connected to electricity or in cold weather so not worried about heating but I do want hot water for the shower to work.

I have a folder full of mysterious things regarding its workings BUT, I have hit a snag right away! when I connected the cable to our house mains supply, a loud noise started, like a pump working dry. I couldn't see anything where a pump would be on and trying to work. I disconnected it right away.

I can't find anything on google that helps and not even sure what this noise actually is although it does sounds exactly like a pump. Any help or pointers to other advice here would be gratefully received!
Oct 12, 2013
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Hi & welcome Krackers ,
Not knowing your van but have a look at this link https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.caravantalk.co.uk/community/topic/96063-swift-corniche-142-water-problem/&ved=2ahUKEwjoiefT4MzcAhWQPFAKHey8BSAQFjAAegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw0nyyhdWQo417ag7SqE4Qyp

https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=active&client=ms-android-samsung&ei=ZyFiW-6fFcLZwQKcy6qYAQ&q=swift corniche 14/4 water pump controls&oq=Swift Corniche 14/4 water&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.0.35i39.3635.6176..10014...0.0...131.619.3j3......0....1.........0j0i71j0i22i30j33i21j33i160.5nHYZP_GwFo
It could be a similar set up to yours ...
Good luck .
May 7, 2012
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Welcome to the forum. Swift is the manufacturer and Corniche is the model although they no longer use that name. 14/4 is the layout, probably 14 ft and 4 berths. The Corniche was generally a well specified range of caravans.
I am not sure what water system your caravan has, but from what you say the noise could be an onboard water pump. If so you need to switch this off before connecting it to the mains and if you have the handbook in the paperwork it should tell you where this is. If not it will normally be near the door and should be labelled.
If you cannot find it then possibly you can run it for a short period and switch things off until you find it, or pull the fuse to stop it and put it back when you find the switch or connect up to water. The fuse box is normally under the offside front seat but not always and the fuses should be labelled.
If you still have problems come back to us and someone might know that model or if you Google the Swift Owners Club they might be able to help.


Nov 12, 2009
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Hello Krackers, welcome to the forum.
If you can hear the pump running you know that it's working, there should be a switch panel with the water pump switch to switch off the pump.
Your water system works through the pump drawing water from an Aquaroll or similar water carrier via a flexible pipe similar to the one shown which fits into a receiver on the outside of your caravan.
If you know anyone local to you who owns a caravan it might be best if you ask them to give you a run down of how each system works, or go to your local dealers and ask if the could show you.
Apr 9, 2006
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Welcome to the PC Forum krackers9, where you will get sound advice on anything to do with caravanning, from experienced caravanners, some of whom must have had or have a Swift Corniche.

The advice to have a chat with a nearby caravanner, if you have one, is good, as you will find most caravanners will be only too pleased to help you.
Jun 15, 2018
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Hi Krackers 9
I too am a caravan newbie,bought my first van june 2018,and have had two trips away already.
I have learned loads by reading posts on this forum,and using the search facility for answers.
Also iv asked a few questions and got good advice from the experts on here.Its surprising how quickly you can learn a lot ,just by browsing the site,and asking for help.



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