Help for begginer

Jul 31, 2010
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We would like to go to the Dordogne area of France this September, but as we have never taken a Caravan before I am a little uneasy as to which is the best way to start.

Do I book everything through the C & CC. or should we just book ferry crossing & go on from there.

Any advice on a route from Calais to that part of France would be useful, is it hard to find somewhere to stop overnight on the way. I'm no shrinking Violet but I'm not Rambo either and I only speak "School boy French"

Any advice about any aspect of this trip would be very much appreciated.
Mar 14, 2005
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Book through the Caravan Club or the Camping & Caravanning Club and they will give you all the information that you need. Members of the Caravan Club have access to a fact sheet 'First Time Abroad with your Caravan or Motor Caravan' available on their website. In September there should be no need to book sites in advance but you could consider using Camping Cheques.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Steve...I agree with Dusty for the first time, book through one of the clubs. Saying that you could go it alone, decide on your crossing, check prices and book. I wouldn't worry to much about booking a site (though I'm sure you will) during September you should have no trouble getting in one. If your going late in September check the opening times of the sites as a lot close at the end of the month. Your school boy French will get you what you need, once the locals hear you trying their attitude towards you will change and they will be more helpful. Overnight stops are no problem as most place have municiples, small council run sites which are good and cheap you just need to look for the camping sign. Hope this helps. Have a great time. Mike
Jun 7, 2005
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First time I went to the Dordogne, my first time with van also, I just booked everything on the internet. Crossing, campsite etc with no problems whatsoever. Went to a place called Salignac and a good halfway stop is a municiple site in Salbris which is about 2 km from junc4 of the A71/E11. Dead easy to pull off and then back onto main route in the morning.

Hope this helps
Mar 14, 2005
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Just got back from our first trip with the van to France,we stayed at sites that were in the Michelin Camping and Caravanning Guide (available on amazon at about 7quid.)Having said that, our copy was 2000 and so the prices were out of date but non the less we had a fabulous time. We stayed on Municipally owned sites. Nearly every town and even village has their own site. The ones recommnded by Michelin were right on the mark. They were clean (very) cheap and we were met with nothing but kindness and helpfulness throughout our time away. Whilst I cannot disagree with the other contributors in their suggestions to the Caravan Clubs recommendations, on the one site that we did stay in that was in BOTH books we found that the site was overwhemingly occupied by Brits which IMHO spoiled the ambience somewhat.


Mar 14, 2005
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I recommend getting the Caravan Club Continental sites diectory. This shows lots of sites in France (and other countries) together with members comments.

If you are going in September, you will not normally need to book any sites. NOTE however that many French sites are only open July & Aug, but still plenty to choose from.

Municipal sites are good value.

It is worth booking your ferry crossing through one of the clubs.
Mar 14, 2005
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With the Internet, doing your own bookings is really very easy, especially as you are going off-peak. However, if you want to minimise worry on your first trip, I can fully recommend the Camping and Caravanning Club's Carefree service - we have always had excellent service. Another alternative which might meet your needs, would be Camping Cheques. They offer several good sites in the Dordogne area for those travelling outside of the peak months of July and August. Cheques giving you a night's camping cost only
Mar 14, 2005
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hi steve i would also recomend cc&c they will also help you if you need a one night stopover try mappy for a route. saying that there are plenty of sites alover france we've never had a problem there they love caravaners and we have always found the locals to be very helpfull have a super time and enjoy a beautiful country all the best


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