Here we go again

Mar 14, 2005
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The Jeremy Vine show is featuring an article about caravans tomorrow, on his regular 12.00-2.00pm Radio 2 show. So all of you phone in as much as possible to support our fantastic hobby. Apparently it's now the fastest growing holiday hobby in the UK. So stand by for a load of fresh knockings tomorrow from the anti-van brigade!

I do wish that some of these "influential??!!" presenters would first try a touring caravan break at a really good CC site or CL before encouraging others to criticise it.

As I'm working tomorrow, I won't be able to hear it. The trouble is the more our hobby gets mentioned in the media, the more G Brown will start to contemplate yet another tax.
May 12, 2006
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Don't let the tosser get you down,Jeremy Vine is another of the

tossers working for the organisation that only exsists due to a legally enforced levy

Val & Frank
Mar 16, 2005
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I listen to his shows all the time, he opens up debates on

numerous topics.

What makes you think he is against caravans, or has never tried it?

He is a show host and will always try to keep a topic


Just wondering, will he still be a tosser if he comes out in

favour of caravans?
Dec 23, 2005
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I do get the impression with Jeremy Vine, with some of the comments he comes out with, that he has led a bit of a sheltered life and needs to get out more.
Feb 3, 2006
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The worse thing about the anti caravan brigade is the fact that the pro caravan brigade always rise to the bait.

Who cares what they think.
Jul 18, 2006
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Talking of radio 2, you should have heard the way that Ken Bruce spoke to someone on his Pop-Master quiz last week. When he said where he was from he gave his home address, but he was in fact on holiday in his caravan.

Ken then said, well as you are on we won't let your personal issues (or something like that) affect you. the guy then said that he knew he might not get on the quiz if he told them he was in his caravan !

It may have been a bit of banter and fun, but he almost had a hint of seriosness in his voice.

How rude.

I do aggree with Rioja though, let them be upset, as long as it doesn't affect our hobby.
Mar 14, 2005
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Can't remeber the last time I listened to Radio 2. I usually listen to Radio Wales 9:00 - 11:00am Roy Noble - totally unbiased and generally quite amusing (possibly a Welsh version of Terry Worgan). 11:00 till12 noon Jamie Young show with music and discussions and the 12 till 2 another music/discussion show. 2:00pm and Owen Money is on with 1950s - 70s music.

The highlight of the day is at 10:15pm when Chris Needs "In The Garden" is on till 1:00am. This guy is original - he must be heard at least once just for the fun of it.
Mar 16, 2005
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"just play tunes" But he is a reporter by trade, so his show is

not a "tunes" show, but a discussion show.

I usually find your responses to be well constructed, so i am

really surprised by your lack of objectiveness before the fact.
Apr 13, 2005
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does it matter? the numbers speak for themselves, caravans are becoming the biggest pastime ever and to be honest if his show puts a few off the hobby im not bothered as its getting allmost impossible to just turn up and pitch these days you need to book everything months in advance.

Personally i dont liten to radio 2 i find too much talk boring, the tv is for talk the radio is for music.
May 12, 2006
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Hi Again,

With Jermy Vine it wasn't the Caravan issue It's him in general. I don't see why a reporter should be on the Radio, paid for by a Legally enforced Levy should be setting himself up as Judge & Jury on other peoples hobbies. I see him a little like Andrew Neil, no guts to put up for goverment just sitting on the sidelines sniping. That's my issue with him.

Val & Frank
Feb 12, 2006
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It's all very well to blame people for what they write/broadcast/televise but if the general public didn't buy the newspapers, listen to the radio programs or watch some of the drivel that is put outin the name of entertainment there would be no market for it and commercial necessity would ensure that these programs/articles disappeared.

We still (allegedly) have free speech in this country and everyone has the right to their opinion.Whether we agree with it or not doesn't mean they should not be allowed to express it.


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