SWMBO 8 year old Kia Cee’d has a failed flickering daylight running head lamp.
Kia changed the electronics design two months after ours. Pattern parts are available for the newer model but not ours. Kia part only and fitting looking like £700 or so🙀🙀🤬🤬
There are no bulbs as we know them nor height adjusting screws. All done electronically, with sleight of hand, electric motors and high voltages the Daleks would be proud of.
Not happy but can’t use the car with DL flashing. First big expense , we’ve had from three months old so can’t complain.
But why is such a simple essential part on a middle of the road car so ridiculously expensive🙉
I wonder how much the VW headlamp will be ? A King’s ransom?
Kia changed the electronics design two months after ours. Pattern parts are available for the newer model but not ours. Kia part only and fitting looking like £700 or so🙀🙀🤬🤬
There are no bulbs as we know them nor height adjusting screws. All done electronically, with sleight of hand, electric motors and high voltages the Daleks would be proud of.
Not happy but can’t use the car with DL flashing. First big expense , we’ve had from three months old so can’t complain.
But why is such a simple essential part on a middle of the road car so ridiculously expensive🙉
I wonder how much the VW headlamp will be ? A King’s ransom?