High Viz reflective Chevrons

Jan 6, 2008
Hi all

I have purchased these High Viz reflective Chevrons for the back of the caravan I read on here you need them to tow abroad or get in trouble with the police. Now where to place them on the back of the caravan is there a web-site because some laws can be very particular about this kind of thing?
Mar 14, 2005
What chevrons are you referring to? No country requires reflective chevrons to be fitted to the back of the caravan. Spain is the only country to require reflective signs on outfits longer than 12m, but these are rectangular signs in yellow with a red surround, no chevrons anywhere. It is doubtful, however, whether this is strictly enforced because I cannot find any reference to such signs in any of the well-known websites for travel to Spain.
Feb 17, 2007
Are you thinking of the chevrons required for loads overhanging the rear of vehicles? Such as bike racks or rear luggage containers.
Mar 14, 2005
If it's for load which is overhanging to the rear then you only need one sign in the middle. (By the way, it's not a chevron, but 3 red and white diagonal stripes). Only if the load extends laterally beyond the width of the vehicle do you need two signs, one at each end of the protrusion, and these must be arranged to form an upturned 'V' chevron.
Jan 6, 2008
Hi Lutz

glad its you i was going to ref it to you. It was some time back

and i think you answered the question. Its to do with leghth of the car and caravan together if over a number of meters you have to put side marker chevrons on the back.

Can you help please.
Jan 6, 2008
Hi Lutz

Found it more info there a small bit in caravan club mag on new rules for travellers overseas. Also if you go to :- oversea,s park & touring then down to new rules for traveller,s oversea,s thats it.

Best regards steve
Jan 6, 2008
Hi Lutz

Found it more info there a small bit in caravan club mag on new rules for travellers overseas. Also if you go to :- oversea,s park & touring then down to new rules for traveller,s oversea,s thats it.

Best regards steve
Sorry its next one (Outfits over 12 meters in Spain)
Mar 14, 2005
No, the plates with the diagonal stripes are only for overhanging loads.

There is, apparently, a requirement for outfits over 12m to carry signs according my post of 24 Feb 2009 11:25 PM, but these are, as mentioned, yellow with a red border (no chevrons). However, I can find little information about this requirement so I presume that it is not enforced for foreign-registered outfits, if it exists at all.
Mar 8, 2007

According to the AA website under Touring Tips (Spain) it states

"Cars towing a caravan must display a Yellow Triangle on a Blue backgound at the front of the vehicle close to the registration plate. In case of a car towing a caravan/trailer exceeding 12m, there must be two yellow reflectors at the rear of the towed caravan or trailer"

I interpret this as meaning the caravan/trailer exceeds 12m and not the total lenght of the outfit.

What website would give my a better understanding of the requirements for towing in Spain, my mother is fluent in spanish so will be able to translate for me,

best regards, Martin
Mar 14, 2005
Now that you mention the yellow triangle on a blue background I can recall seeing these in Spain, but only on Spanish registered caravans. I can find no reference to any such requirement applying to foreign registered ones.
Jan 6, 2008
Hi there

come up with an idea. I phoned the Sanish Embaccy today they were as much help as a chocc fire gard. All you could say about them was the lights were On but nobody was home.
Mar 14, 2005
See the updates in the Overseas Touring Forum under 12 m outfits in Spain. It's all very confused and potentially a big pain in the lower nether region for those already out here with long outfits.
Mar 14, 2005

According to the AA website under Touring Tips (Spain) it states

"Cars towing a caravan must display a Yellow Triangle on a Blue backgound at the front of the vehicle close to the registration plate. In case of a car towing a caravan/trailer exceeding 12m, there must be two yellow reflectors at the rear of the towed caravan or trailer"

I interpret this as meaning the caravan/trailer exceeds 12m and not the total lenght of the outfit.

What website would give my a better understanding of the requirements for towing in Spain, my mother is fluent in spanish so will be able to translate for me,

best regards, Martin
Martin see this link:

Should be all one line) it contains links to the Spanish government traffic websites with the full details and a full accurate translation would be very helpful. RACE is of the opinion that it does apply to foreign registered vehicles and the 12m is the overall outfit length, not just the caravan. See the postings in the Overseas forum.
Mar 14, 2005
On second reading it appears that the yellow triangle on a blue background applies to all outfits, regardless of whether they are over 12m or not. Surely this is not a requirement for foreign registered caravans? Perhaps someone who can find more information on the mandatory nature or otherwise of the yellow and red 'Long Load' signs can unearth something about this requirement, too?
Nov 12, 2007
according to the AA the requirement for the yellow triangle on blue border has been "cancelled". It is not however clear from their reply if this is only for outfits over 12 metres.

Confusion reigns!


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