We've just had our Alko stabiliser and hitch lock stolen whilst the caravan was stored on a supposedly secure site, and with the prices they charge for storage the place should be thief proof - but obviously it isn't as about 20 or 30 caravans all suffered the same fate. It would seem that all the caravans affected had the Alko hitch lock fitted. We'll replace the Alko stabiliser but can anyone recommend a more secure hitch lock? I know a determined thief will take what they want whatever you do but it would appear that vans fitted with other hitch locks were left untouched.
We've been looking at the Milenco Super Heavy Duty, the Stronghold or the Saracen hitch lock - has anyone any advice on which one we should go for?
We've been looking at the Milenco Super Heavy Duty, the Stronghold or the Saracen hitch lock - has anyone any advice on which one we should go for?