Hitch locks

Mar 18, 2009
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We've just had our Alko stabiliser and hitch lock stolen whilst the caravan was stored on a supposedly secure site, and with the prices they charge for storage the place should be thief proof - but obviously it isn't as about 20 or 30 caravans all suffered the same fate. It would seem that all the caravans affected had the Alko hitch lock fitted. We'll replace the Alko stabiliser but can anyone recommend a more secure hitch lock? I know a determined thief will take what they want whatever you do but it would appear that vans fitted with other hitch locks were left untouched.

We've been looking at the Milenco Super Heavy Duty, the Stronghold or the Saracen hitch lock - has anyone any advice on which one we should go for?
Apr 7, 2008
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Sorry to here of you loss, but can you tell us were about's in the country you are ??

Just had a look at the three that you have mentioned.

The milenco looks the strongest.
Mar 18, 2009
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Sorry to here of you loss, but can you tell us were about's in the country you are ??

Just had a look at the three that you have mentioned.

The milenco looks the strongest.
Hi Sproket,

Thanks for that, we thought the Milenco looked the best but thought we'd ask for ideas before forking out more money.

We are near Blackburn, Lancashire.

Jan 12, 2009
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Hi Robert

We have the Saracen Hitchlock, and we are very happy with it.

It is very solid and robust and being bright orange, it looks a good deterent too.

It has a big large bolt going through the middle of it, which would take some doing to try and cut if off. It has been rated beyond sold secure, which attracted it to us in the first place. It also has the ball like the alko, but in a strong metal.

I feel very happy with ours, we also have the nemesis wheelclamp. But as the saying goes "if they want your van nothing will stop the thieving *&^%
Mar 18, 2009
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Thanks Sam,

We were swaying towards the Milenco but we've just been out to have a look at several different makes and I think it's going to be between the Saracen and the SAS, both very similar, both look good and heavy. As you say they'll take what they want whatever you do but at least we can try to make it as difficult as possible for them. The Alko hitch lock just seems to have been too easy to prise off.

Dec 10, 2005
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Were the hitch locks left behind?

If not they prob just undid the two nuts and bolts that hold the whole hitch to the damper and chassis. Only a 5 minute job if you have the right size spanners/sockets.

I dont think any hitch lock on the market covers these bolts?


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