Hitchdrive caravan mover - urgent pls

Oct 24, 2005
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We have just moved our van to a new storage site and the parking is tight to say the least. To help us move the van without having to rely on reversing skills we were going to invest in the above caravan mover - does anyone have one and are they any good before I spend £200 on one. Urgent reply appreciated as if they are any good we want one before the weekend.

I am not physically able to move the van manually and it is too heavy for my hysband oin his own (van is an Elddis Avanate 534).

Thanks guys


Mar 14, 2005
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Celia, there are several variants of hitch drive, which one are you looking at?

Generally they all suffer similar drawbacks, in that theyonly really work to any degree of satisfaction on tarmac or concrete level surfaces.

They are all quite heavy as you have the battery weight to consider, plus where do you put it when it is not in use?

You only have to look at the adverts for second hand ones to get an idea of what they are like.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Celia,

Just amplify what Damian has said, if you have wet grass, a slope or gravel to negotiate then the type of movers that fit to the hitch are less capable, and potentially dangerous, as if they loose grip then the caravan can run away uncontrolled,

My guideline is to suggest that if you could not stop the caravan by hand (without using the brake) then most a frame drivers are not suitable.

They are great for level hard surfaces.
Nov 7, 2005
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Celia, you'll be wasting your money if you have to cross grass or anything more than a slight slope - the jockey wheel will spin and the the main wheels will simply dig in (on grass). I tried desperately to make it all work but finally had to buy a Motormovr (main wheel drive) and even with these you may need to lay boarding over softer/long grass...


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