Hook-ups in Italy

Nov 24, 2009
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Going to Camping La Riva on Lake Como in August and am just a bit concerned that the hook-up provides CEE17 connectors rated at 6 amps. Firsdt of all what implications does the CEE 17 connector have and perhaps more significant what wioll I be able to run with only 6 amps available, for instance does the Truma water heater exceed this? Would a second gas bottle be wise addition? I would hate to inadvertantly blow their fuses,

Grateful, as ever, for advice
Mar 14, 2005
The CEE 17 is the standard connector throughout Europe - same as in the UK.

You don't say what model of Truma water heater you have. If it's the Ultrastore, its current consumption on 230v is 3.7A.
Mar 14, 2005
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We stayed at La Rive last year, lovely site. As Lutz says its the standard connector that we use in the UK, commonly called the 'Blue Plug' When using a 6 amp supply you just have to be careful of the appliances with big heating elements that you use at the same time. Its really more a question of organisation rather than anything else. We used our water heater with the charger and fridge and at times the TV/Satellite with no problems. We use a low wattage kettle (900watts) but not at the same time as the water heater.

Aug 31, 2008
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Hi Alistair

We too stayed at Camping La Riva for 2 weeks in 2006 and agree with David that it a lovely site. We did not have any problems with the electrical supply. Like David said it just takes a bit of common sense and avoid using high wattage appliances at the same. We don't have our water heater on all the time on sites with low ampage - the water stays warm for a long time in the Italian summer heat. We too use a low wattage kettle and toaster but only used them seperately and when the water heater was off.

In fact 6 amp is quite HIGH!! compared with some of the Italian sites we stayed on but even there we rarely had a problem. High temperatures mean that the water heater can be switched on, by itself, only when neeed and we certainly never needed to use the electric heating. We did constantly run the 'van fridge and a supplementary mains fridge without any problem.

If you do have a problem with the electricity supply there is always the gas option for water heater and fridge (and heating??) When we first went abroad on our 5 week Continental jaunts I used to worry about running out of gas but have found that one 6Kg cylinder is more than enough as we only use it for cooker/barbecue cooking for one meal a day.

Have a lovely time at La Riva. If you are able get one of the newer pitches next to the river fence - they are larger and more private than the older ones. Those pitches are on the right as you come through the main gate.

One word of warning -beware the storms that are quite common in that mountainous area. When we got there a neighbouring caravanner warned us that he had lost his awning the previous week and someone else had an open window blown off!!! Consequently when we heard that a storm was forecast we began to take down our aluminium-framed bradcot awning. Unfortunately the storm arrived too quickly and at the worst moment for us as we had just finishing unpegging the awning. The wind caught the awning and it ended up on the 'van roof with the poles sticking up like a dead cow's legs. neighobouring English 'vanners helped us to get the awning down. Fortunately the roof was not damaged but several alu poles were bent beyond use and had to be replaced and we had no usable awning for the last 4 weeks of our hols. So if you have an awning PEG IT DOWN really well!!

Apart from that one warning La Riva is a super site in a beautiful area.


Nov 24, 2009
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Thanks a lot Tim. I'll try to get one of the pitcyhes you mention. It's always good to have personal recommendations and insights, so thanks once again.
Aug 31, 2008
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Hi Alistair

You would need to book the pitchesI mentioned in advance as there is only a few in a row to the right of the main part of the camp, viewed as one drives through the gate. I think the site tends to book these out to people with larger 'vans as they are larger.

When we were delayed from leaving by car problems we had to move from one of these pitches to one on the main site as the first was booked for a new arrival. We HAD to move despite pleas on our behalf by a CC "site inspector" who was staying on the site. The owner was kind enough to tow us there with his 4x4 but it was a lot smaller pitch.

Is it you who posts as on ukcampsite.co.uk and recently asked about routes back from La Riva- I just wondered as you had not replied to recent posts on there?!

Nov 24, 2009
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Yes, that is me. Just wondering if a different route back would make for a more intersting timew, rathe thjan feel the holiday is over and belt back as fast as possible.
Jul 11, 2006
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Just a reminder as always on any thread that involves CEE17 connectors, carry a polarity tester and a plug and socket linked by a short piece of cable but with L and N reversed at one end.

It is commom practice in Europe to use double pole switching so it does not matter which way round the supply is connected (even thought the CEE17 connectors are clearly marked L and N!!) but we use only single pole switching so it in theory is possible to switch an item 'off' but it in fact still be live.


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